hey guys just edited the memoir, making it much much easier to read..hopefully, I will get a few more reviews now. I am anxious to join a contest on here so I am going to see if I can figure out how to, and see how it works out. I want to thank everyone that reached out in an effort to welcome me here. Altho I am not here all day every day, I do check in and I am grateful to have found this place. Take Care Everyone! |
Hi there, welcome to Writing.Com! I see Whata SpoonStealer has found you already. I'll back her up: "The Newbies Academy Group" is a great place to meet new people, learn new things, and ask for reviews! You've joined just in time for the site's 16th birthday, actually. If you'd like to get more involved in this community, iKïyå§ama is running "a Mod-o-Poly Celebration!" ; it's a super simple and fun activity, and you could win up to 20,000 Gift Points just for posting a number. Go check it out! If you've got any more questions, feel free to email me or Whata SpoonStealer too. My username is flamebreather. |
Hi, I just joined tonight, and I'm hoping to meet people that will see the beauty in my ideas like I do, maybe even when I don't. I just started writing my memoir, it's an account of my life, on the run with my dog, my very best friend, my struggle with drugs, and how I overcame it all and became the woman I am today, I'd love some feedback..thx guys |
Welcome to Writing.com! I love biographies, and nonfiction, and poetry. I'm really a very slow reviewer, but I shall make a note to do so We have a lot of groups onsite, tons actually. I belong to the "The Newbies Academy Group" We have a lot of help for navigating around here if you wanna take a look, join if you like. Oh, so you haven't posted your biography yet? Let me know when you do? You can email me by going to your email and writing whata in the 'To' field. I hope you enjoy yourself here ~Whata |
You can't load images here on a Free or Basic Membership. You can with an Upgraded level though! http://www.writing.com/main/shop/cat/Memberships And more information here: http://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/101_free_paid Sworrry Keep asking, I'll help ya! Lots to learn around here. |
can I ask...how do I post the emoji's??? lol! I cant figure it out for the life of me!