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Tomorrow. I am Officially an old FART. How I lived to be 79 will be a mystery to me! I can't walk, get out of bed with ease, or finish many of the chores I had planned to accomplish at my new digs!

Still breathing, but that is about it!
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Well happy early birthday! Ah getting older, the one thing all humans have in common *Smile* Well, the one's who live long enough *Think*

Tomorrow in 1986 Challenger exploded on lift off!.

This was my tribute to the crew

We did not die in vain

Why did we die? That's what we do,
As those have done before.
We've done it since the world was young,
To open up the door.
The frontier is our constant goal,
To see what may be found
Beyond the distant the mountain range;
Across the wave-swept sound.

In ships of skin, or wood, or steel
We sail the unmapped sea.
From shore to shore, from earth to moon,
Into the galaxy.
We are the ones who blaze the trail.
Our bones we leave behind.
To mark the way as milestones
Along the roads we find.

We are the ones who always dare,
What others fear to do.
To cast a light into the dark
Exposing all to view.
Many of us die unknown
With none to know our name.
Others blaze in history
In never ending fame.

Shackleton and Peary are names
You should know well.
Grissom, White and Chaffee be
Among the ones who fell.
We join them, and the legions
Before us on the trail,
To go where "Thyre be Dragons",
They died... But did not fail.

We too have left the living.
We ask you not to grieve.
We did not want your sorrow.
This you must believe.
Celebrate instead our glory.
And take the paths we trod.
While stand we with the heros
Beside the throne of God.

Don't let our deaths be wasted.
Don't let it be in vain.
We're waiting and we're watching
For a ship to sail again.
The universe is waiting
The next big step is Mars
To complete our final mission
and go on... to reach the stars.{/b}
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I remember where I was. In class at Hill Field Elementary at Hill Field Air Force Base. My mom was subing somewhere in the school and when the shuttle exploded Dad called her. About that time, my teacher was called out of the room and came back in and told us.

Class just kind of shut down....
When I write, I never know where I'll end up! The stories just lead me from start to finish. I do not plot, or outline.

Songs, poems, or stories start from a phrase I heard, or something I saw!

To write a song to fit a theme causes me great difficulty! I seldom, never in fact, Write about me, incidents from my life, or knowledge, of a scene from my life. I am never writing about specifics from my life, or person.

I sing songs that I like, for whatever reason, and when it is a song by another singer/writer/composer, live with it, sometimes for months, Until IT says, "this is what I want you to do with me!"
A little fun for the day. Us Irish can appreciate this:


I'm here every day! I may not add to my Port, or otherwise contribute, but I visit every day. Notices that I've not been here are really not necessary! *Laugh*
For those who may find my poem 'rain' confusing. A little physics: Lightening "Tears" (Rends) the atmosphere as it hits the earth.

Thunder is the sound that results from the 'rending'.

As for the 'God'. I just think he/she is laughing at my sleeplessness.*Delight*

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#2022565 by Not Available.

A badly written poem about Christmas.

Bon Nadal, Feliz Navidad, Gajan Kristnaskon, Joyeaux Noël, Buon Natale or Buone Feste Natalizie, Natale hilare, et Annum Faustum, Feliz Natal, Bo Nada, een plesierige kerfees, I'D MIILAD SAID OUA SANA SAIDA, Shenoraavor Nor Dari yev Pari Gaghand Azeri, Tezze Iliniz Yahsi Olsun, -Zorionak eta Urte Berri On, geseënde Kersfees, gëzuar Krishtlindja, gleckika Wïanachta, miilaad majiid, Eguberri on, subho baradin, Nedeleg laouen, Vasel Koleda, Chris, Mele Kalikimaka, Cristmas, Eguberri,圣诞节快乐,聖誕節快樂

I'm a little early and if I missed anybody, forgive me. Merry Christmas to all the Christians and the same in as many languages as I can find, as listed above. Bless you all of whatever persuasion, and may your days be full of joy and Love.

The reason for Christmas was the birth of a child. A child whose message has lasted for ages. Fractured a bit by nit-picking and dissension, and endless argument about the translations of a book written initially by the Essenes, and purported by some to be written by the direct guidance of GOD!

Many of the scrolls from which THE BOOK was taken were ignored by the Christian church, because they did not fit the political views of "The Church" of the time.

We are left with an expurgated version that was fabricated to keep the peasants in line. How-some-ever, the fact remains that the birth of the child Jesus, the founder of the Christian religions, is the reason the day is considered one wherein we should all rejoice.

MERRY CHRISTMAS. I repeat. MERRY CHRISTMAS. Not "happy whatever you want" day.
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*Exclaimbr* I think you missed the Chinese PinYin- Zhù Suǒyǒu de Jīdū tú Shèngdàn jié kuàilè! *Pthb*
As often happens, Real Life gets in the way. I have been told that I've not been using the site. To be truthful I visit every day.

I've not added to my PORT, nor commented too often, but, contrary to the filters have been here daily.

Well, nice to hear from you, stranger! *Laugh* Real life does have a funny way of doing that. I know it all too well, personally.

One of the great things about the site is that you can become quiet for months and then just pick up where you left off as though nothing happened. We all have to do it now and then. Hopefully at some point, real life will calm down enough so that you can write, chat, and have fun!
I haven't added to my post lately either due to life getting in the way. Or entered any contests.

The fact that you have been here daily should say something.

You can only do what you can. Relax, enjoy the site and participate when you are able.
totally agree. *Bigsmile*

Eye halve a spelling chequer
It came with my pea sea
It plainly marques four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.

Eye strike a key and type a word
And weight four it two say
Weather eye am wrong oar write
It shows me strait a weigh.

As soon as a mist ache is maid
It nose bee fore two long
And eye can put the error rite
Its rare lea ever wrong.

Eye have run this poem threw it
I am shore your pleased two no
Its letter perfect awl the weigh
My chequer tolled me sew.
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
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Added two excepts from stories about Mr. Feiht, a Master Thief
I've just added an item in my portfolio:
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Life is like a river, It is filled with rapids, waterfalls and eddies, that seem to keep you suspended in a whirl.

If you go with the current you will sometimes be elated, dropped to the depths of your emotion, and seemingly be stuck in a backwater you cannot escape.

Let the river go where it will. Sooner or later it will take you to the Ocean and beyond horizons you cannot imagine. Don't push the river!
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/deleerious