Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/dipesh_sirvi
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pen  Author Icon
Today is the 1st Day of 2k16. I had also made some resolutions to follow this follow this year......
Hope I could follow all of them...
1. Dont talk much.
2. Dont go out without any valid reason for the same especially with Jayant and Manish.
pen  Author Icon
She is sitting beside me in math class. Everytime she is around, my heart starts beating faster and faster. She is doing her work and I keep looking at her like in movies of late 90's. Imaging how it would be if I would be her 😍 'one'. I would take her around the world. Would make her feel most special and precious thing in the world. Work every second for her and her happinss. Would never let her feel sad and alone. Pamper her and never let her go. Her smile, her face, her voice. I would go in deep journey everyday. But then my alarm rings. Then I come back to my senses and realize she already have someone. She is taken. I am nothing more than a friend for her. I get broken every day, every moment. Still I know no one can love her as much as I do. Hope i get her. But hoping so also hurts because her happiness is more important to me then her love...
pen  Author Icon
The more she talks to me the more and more again I felt in love. But as soon as stop talking to her I come to reality that she already have someone. And make up my mind not to talk to her. I control myself not to talk whenever feel alone check her profile remind my good past with her and felt sleep checking her Last seen.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/dipesh_sirvi