Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/dra011058
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
My father has been teaching me,

and I've been listening to every word,

please help me to understand Lord,

all the lessons I have learned.

For the love I have for you Lord,

comes deep from yearning within,

please help me to be faithful,

and keep me away from sin.

For there is so much in this world,

that is tempting me everyday,

inspire me with the things I write,

and teach me the words to say.


In believing in you Lord,

it's helped me to see,

all of the beautiful creations

that you made just for me.

Give me the knowledge,

to learn more everyday,

please help me to love,

and show me the way.

And thank you for sending us,

your beloved son,

not only just for me,

but for each and everyone.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/dra011058