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Thursday Quote: "Believe that life is worth living and your belief will create the fact."
In June 2022, 2021 Nobel Peace Prize winner and journalist, Dimitri Muratov auctioned off his prize to raise money for Ukrainian children affected by the war. It raised 103 million US.
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He is a good human being. I wish more people were able to be more like him.
The Polar Express, a full-length animated movie from 2004 was the first film to be entirely created using motion capture technology.
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That means those actors got to wear cool suits with sensors.
The Australian Alps get more snow than the Swiss Alps.
I was about to tag S 🤦 Author Icon , but now I'm wondering if you mean the Austrian Alps... *Confused*
Amethyst Angel 🍀 Author Icon - Nope. Looked it up and it's real! *Shock2* I've learned never to question dragonwoman *Laugh*
Sunday Word: lietmotief: dominant recurring theme
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Saturday Word cornucopia (noun) [kohr-nuh-koh-pee-uh] : 1. a curved hollow horn or similarly shapped receptacle overflowing with fruits and vegetables,emblematic of abundance.
2. A horn of plenty
3. an abundant supply.
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4. the name of the best pub in the town where I live...
FTF Giraffes have the same number of neck vertbrae as humans.
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Bet they take more throat lozenges then we do for a sore throat!
Thursday Quote: " Sometimes a short walk down memory lane is all it takes to appreciate where you are today." ~ Susan Gale
Colorado's boundary has 697 sides making it an elaborate polygon.
Olivia: Quill Voting till 3/15 Author Icon - Probably the same folks who can say that the lowest point in their state is higher than the highest point in 17 other states. *Thumbsupgreen*
Annette Author Icon - Right on the dot, Ma'am.*Laugh* I tend to ignore it, although it's like 15 miles Luftlinie from where I live, and one spit over the Rhein where I grew up. (And vice versa).

Germany + France = es ist kompliziert.*Wink*
FTF In the original version of the fairytale 'The Frog Prince', the princess doesn't turn the frog into a prinvr by kissing him. She does it by thowing him against a wall.
Sounds a little violent, but then I read somewhere that men are like grapes --- kind of sweet but better after a woman stomps them and lets them ferment and mature a bit until they're not an embarrassment to take to a nice dinner. or summat like
FTF: A tardigrade is a microscopic 8-legged animal. Also known as a 'moss piglet' or a 'water bear', when they are fully grown they are 0.5 mm long.
They may also be the first creatures to live on the moon:

Adhere - Definitely Writing Author Icon - Wow, imagine trying to make eight-legged space suits!! Amazing they can do that!
Moss piglet? Water bear? Sounds like a couple of Christopher Robbin's friends.
Sunday Word: hackneyed: not interesting or funny because it's been used too many times.
Right on!
Interestingly, it comes from horse riding. A "hack" was a horse that was no longer useful (hence our term for a lower ladder journalist or writer, a hack), coming from knacker (think knacker's yard and what happens to horses there). So "hackneyed" was to become like the "hack" horse - overused to a point of uselessness.
My ex is known for being hackneyed. *EyesLeft*

Saturday Word: sward: grassy area
I learnt this word through reading Robert E. Howard. So many swards in the world!
"Don't run across the sward with you sword, Arthur!" Ah... advice from the beloved king's mother.
As recently as 300,000 years ago, Homo sapiens were just one of nine different species on humans on Earth.
Thursday Quote: "To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others use your heart."
~Eleanor Roosevelt.
Wonderful quote.
tj wanderlust-words-in-motion Author Icon - I agree completely.
I've read quite a few insightful quotes by this former first lady. She was obviously a woman of intelligence as well as feelings.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/draygonlayd60