Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/dria7
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I just posted the first 20 pages or so of a story that never got much attention. It was inspired by the anime Trinity Blood and the amazing Anita Blake Vampire Hunter novels by my favorite author Laurell K. Hamilton *Heart*. Feel free to check it out and leave your reviews on it, I appreciate it! If I get enough reviews and opinions on it I'll go ahead and post a few more pages of the story ^_^ Happy writing all!
Currently working on two books. One is a few years old with a good story so far, I just keep procrastinating or getting stuck on the boring parts. I'm doing what I love but it is hard at times to keep that inspiration going.
Have a break.

Inspiration will flow again in the most relaxed state. That is speaking from my own experience. *Bigsmile*

Have a nice day!
Thank you for your comment candy-happy! I guess I need to just take a break and stop overwhelming myself. I do tend to put more than one project on myself too often. ^_^
Welcome to WDC CreativeDove88 Author Icon! I look forward to reading some of your writing! If you would like a little extra help finding your way around I highly recommend joining "The Newbies Academy GroupOpen in new Window.. Everyone there is always willing to answer any of your questions. All you do to join is go to "Newbies Academy Registration - OPENOpen in new Window. and create a post asking to join. *Smile*
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/dria7