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I also encourage you to start making friends/fans on the site. Like real life authors, if we don't have fans, almost no one is reading what we write. Without fans (meaning they clicked your plus sign twice until they saw the megaphone or people who have set you as a favorite--meaning the clicked your plus sign once until they saw the finger with the string), people won't see your Newsfeed notes. You currently have no fans, so no one who isn't on the Community Newsfeed is going to see your notes. (Well, anyone who set you as a favorite might--favs are secret, but fans are visible and you know when someone fans you, which is why fanning is best. Some of us, like me, will reward our fans. Other people will automatically fan a person back when they get fanned. Thus, fanning is the best option in most cases.
To see what I'm talking about regarding seeing what is on the Newsfeed, check out the Community Newsfeed. When you click Newsfeed, you are automatically taken to your Personal Newsfeed. Since you have no fans, you probably see nothing but official WdC stuff. (Though if you clicked anyone's plus once, you will see their stuff as well. The only difference between favs and fans is that fans notify the person being fanned and are visible to those who look at the fan list. On the Newsfeed, it's all the same.) On your Personal Newsfeed, along the top-ish part, you will see "View the Community Newsfeed." Click that. Now you will see what everyone is posting (within your rating limit). There's tons more than what you previously saw! Scroll, Like, comment, and start making friends. It takes time, but slowly, as people see you interacting with them more and more, they'll start looking forward to you and your comments and they'll eventually want to fan you. If you fan them first, that may speed up the process, but only if they like you and your comments.
As you get to know more folks, feel free to click their plus as well. This will help you keep up with them. Remember to double click until you see the megaphone so they are tempted to reward you or fan you back if they tend to do either of those. (I send GPs--gift points, the WdC version of money to my new fans.
If you're unsure of what I mean...
Schnujo's Giving Away GPs
No obligation to click mine, of course.
I counted ten short stories. You should make a separate item for each story. It's practically impossible to give you a review for ten different stories all in one. It's confusing for the reader/reviewer and confusing for you to put the comments with the right story.