Welcome to Writing.Com! I see you are new around here, and stopped by to wish you a very warm welcome. I hope you enjoy your stay, and find this site as creative, encouraging and inspiring as I have. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! |
Hi and welcome to W.Com. Just thought I'd be one of the first to write in your notebook! Checkout "The Newbies Academy Group" Regards, Sisco. |
More options could be a good thing! I know that I didn't review your piece the other day when I first saw it because I don't read much romance. I figured someone who loves the genre would stumble upon it, you know? hehe
What genres do you like best? I have lots of random pieces that fall into genres I'm not really interested in too. Some fantasy sneaks in here and there, and I'm a scifi/horror girl, not fantasy. hehe