Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/ericthefred
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*Cake* Happy WdC Anniversary! *Cakeb*
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Happy WDC Account Anniversary! *Smile*
Happy WdC Anniversary! *Party*
*Music2* Happy Account Anniversary *Cake*
*Delight* *ConfettiO* *Balloonr**Balloonp**Balloonb* Happy Fabulous WdC Anniversary To You!

May This Be A Year of Prosperity and Joy! *ConfettiR**Balloonr**Balloonp**Balloony*

~ ā™«~ Kenword~ā™« Author IconMail Icon ~*Mugr*

With Cream

Finally got my contest entry for the What A Character contest down below 2k words:
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Energy Open in new Window. (13+)
A super-powered fighter accepts an unreasonable bargain to protect a child's life.

Keeping a complete story below 2k words is almost always impossible for my novelist soul. I think this is the first time I've managed a story that I could enter into this particular contest.
So, this is my first Father's Day after my father passed away. I've always had weird mixed feelings about Mother's Day. The woman who bore me died when I was three years old, and I had a very rocky relationship with the woman who raised me (Dad's second wife) until I was out of the house more than a decade. But Father's Day has never held negative emotions for me. The same person has been 'Dad' since the day I was born.

He passed away in the first week of March. Want to know what I feel this year? It should be loneliness, but I've been out of that house for forty years.

What I feel is regret. I regret all the years I missed calling him for his birthday or Father's Day. I regret not having made the thousand mile trip to his house many more times than I did. I regret not bringing my sons to see him more often.

If your father is still with us and you don't see him often, give him a call. Not just on Father's Day. On any day of the year. Give him a call because it isn't a special occasion. If he wonders why you called, just tell him, "Because you're my dad."

Same goes for your mother. Your grandmother. Your grandfather. Your grown kids. "Because you're family" is a good enough reason.
A sig I use to post in notebooks for account birthdays!

Wishing you a fantastic Writing.com Birthday!

*Balloonp* *Balloonb* *Balloong* *Balloony* *Balloono* Happy March Account Birthday, Eric the Fred Author Icon! *Balloono* *Balloony* *Balloong* *Balloonb* *Balloonp*

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Yoohooo! You might like to take up the challenge:
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#2110501 by Not Available.

Doesn't take long! *Crown*

Just finished my first NaNo write-in this year. Disorganized madness and fun as heck. Looking forward to more!
I love, love, love the photo of your Lab. We live with two Labs and one setter.
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
 Gator story Open in new Window. (E)
Read a WDC writing prompt and got my "Tweet Me A Story" entry. 123 Characters. Nuff said.
Getting read for
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October Novel Prep Challenge Open in new Window. (13+)
A month-long novel-planning challenge with prizes galore.
#1474311 by BrandiwynšŸŽ¶ Author IconMail Icon
here. If you plan to do NaNoWriMo  Open in new Window. this year then come sign up to prep with us!
I've just added an item in my portfolio:
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/ericthefred