Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/fallenmercury
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Hey, everybody!

I suck I suck I know. I disappear way too frequently. For those of you who caught my previous note ("Note: Happy Sunday all! So, I should be online writing ..."), you will realize I totally disappeared for some 2.5 weeks or something ridiculous like that. I'm sorry. I'll get back into it. The accident hit me harder and is kind of dragging me down much longer than I would have expected, and it's difficult to interact with people I really know well. I tend to fall apart pretty quickly, and that's just not something I enjoy doing. So, I'm sorry for not being around, and it'll probably be another couple of weeks before I've pulled myself together enough to really get to interacting again. *Sad* *sighs*

I've not been completely useless, though. I've spent a good deal of time writing, both because I'm working toward getting book 2 finished and because I find it therapeutic. Here's hoping I manage to keep up the habit.

Oh, and Book 1 is selling okay. Not great, but enough to pay a small bill with the first month's royalties, so I'll take it. *Smile* It's also on sale this week, just in case anyone is wondering. *Wink*

So, back to writing moody poetic prose and trying to feel like my old self again. Just know that I love you all dearly and am anxiously awaiting the day everything feels back to NORMAL again. *Hug* *Heart* *Heart* *Heart*

ASIN: B0186D9C4C
Amazon's Price: Price N/A
Glad to hear that things are coming back together!! Accidents take a while to get over, even if there are few physical injuries.

Big *Hug* to you!
Taking care of yourself always comes first, don't feel too guilty lol Glad to hear you're still writing and that it's helping. Hope you feel better soon. *Heart*
Hi, Amali, Just concentrate on getting all better. Glad you are well enough to write, and hooray for paying a bill with your talent! *Thumbsup*

I miss you, so hope you're back to 100% real soon.

Hannah *Heart*
Happy Sunday all!

So, I should be online writing tons and tons of reviews from the safety of my mother's house back in Mississippi. Thanks to a very nearly fatal car crash yesterday afternoon, I am back home in Oklahoma with my wife, both safe and sound if severely beaten and bruised, and a bit traumatized if I am honest. I promise I will get to all those reviews I owe just as soon as I can emotionally face up to them.

Love you guys and talk to you all soon! *Smile*
OH! That's so scary! I am so glad you were not both more seriously hurt! Please rest up and do only what you can.

Gentle hugs,
Hannah *Heart*
Elle  Author Icon
Oh no! You poor things. Rest and relax, that kind of thing is really scary, on top of dealing with all the aches and pains. Love to both of you.
So glad to hear you're both safe and well!!!!!!
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG....I can't believe I forgot to post here!

Guess what? Choosing Her Chains is now out as an eBook on Amazon!

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Check out the official announcement over at my blog  Open in new Window. (including an excerpt from the book) or head on over to Amazon and check it out!

Winners for this term's PDG Newbie Poetry Contest have now been announced! This class did a particularly good job all around, making our decision even harder than normal. Keep in mind that your placement was based partially on how well you met all the requirements for the poem and partly on how the overall piece flowed as an artistic endeavor.

Ribbons and merit badges will be handed out tonight and then over the next couple of weeks so students will get full community recognition for each item.


Oct. - Nov. 2015 Class

1st Place - Julie Author Icon

 Invalid Item Open in new Window.
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#2064831 by Not Available.

Honorable Mentions - Choconut Author Icon, QPdoll Author Icon, paddy1

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#2064045 by Not Available.

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Alfie Bojangles Open in new Window. (E)
Final Poem written for the Poetic Pen PDG Class.
#2063548 by Choconut Author IconMail Icon

 Invalid Item Open in new Window.
This item number is not valid.
#2064280 by Not Available.


Congratulations to each of you on graduating from the poetry class and for completing your poems. I look forward to reading all of them. *Balloon1**Thumbsup**Bigsmile*

Awesome job, Amalie and Monty! *BurstR**Thumbsup**Hug*
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Congratulations to everyone *Heart* I really enjoyed this poetry class - it certainly stretched my brain. I'm so excited to get a poetry MB! Thank you.
MontyB Author Icon
Choconut Author Icon
Julie Author Icon
QPdoll Author Icon

We do have prizes picked for the newbie poetry contest. I had planned on posting everything and handing out badges/ribbons over lunch. Then I had a problem student walk into my office, and I'm now stuck in meetings this afternoon. Those will definitely go out sometime this evening, though, so be on the lookout!
Okay, two announcements this morning.

1. To the PDG Newbie Poetry students (Choconut Author Icon, Julie Author Icon, QPdoll Author Icon, and paddy1, we haven't forgotten about you! MontyB Author Icon and I are working away on your reviews and on judging the contest and hope to have those done and out to you by this coming Monday morning. *Smile* Thanks for your patience!

2. To everyone else who has been waiting:
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Buy Choosing Her Chains (Daughter of Kieran Book 1) @ Amazon.Com!

It's up for pre-order! The final version will be released on December 15, 2015. However, any pre-ordered sales accumulated between now and then will be credited to the book on December 15, which means it may see a boost in selling ratings (and thus become visible to more people) if there are more orders ahead of time. So, if you've been reading snippets and are even slightly interested, be sure to pop over and give it a look. *Smile*

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Okay. Thanks, Amalie. I'm loving your front cover, by the way!
Thanks, Rachel! It worked very well on the paperback, but I think I am going to have to do some last minute tweaking on the eBook to make it a bit more readable in thumbnail size. Ah, the editing is never done, is it?
So, if you're wondering where I've been hiding....This happened this past weekend:

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Now that this thing is out of the way, perhaps I can get back to writing, eh? *Wink*
Say what???? You sneaky girl!

This is awesome. Big *Heart* to you both!
Congratulations and celebrations *PartyHatB*
Blogging again! Sort of.....

I've added a new entry to my book, "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window.:
         "Invalid EntryOpen in new Window.

Love you guys!
After a lot of thought, I've decided to open my services up to freelance editing (copy editing primarily, but with structural notes, etc.). I just finished my first major project (a 200-page master's thesis) with a client, and after her enthusiastic response I think I'm ready to at least start tackling some things semi-professionally.

So, are there any WDC writers up there who would appreciate a free editing session on a short piece (<5,000 words) in exchange for a webpage testimonial? If you exist out there, shoot me an e-mail and I'll get back to you ASAP. *Smile*
What kind of deadline are you looking at? It is possible to ask you in a month or two? I have a different project that could use some help :)
Robyn is PUBLISHED! Author Icon, the offer will be open for at least a few months, probably even longer for all my WDC friends. I'm basically just putting my toes in the water for the time being, and nothing helps in those beginning steps like a bit of practice! Feel free to send me a message or check out my website when you're ready for some help! http://daughterofkieran.com
Groovy! I'll certainly check back with you as soon as I have something past "abysmal, below rough copy stage" *Smile**Laugh*
Well, I did it. I gave into pressure and entered. Only three months to get this thing rocking. Oh, Alanis please forgive me. *Devil*

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Musicology Anthology Open in new Window. (13+)
An annual challenge to write a short story collection based on an album! Runs April-June.
#1377819 by Jeff Author IconMail Icon
See, MontyB Author Icon! I did it! I actually entered the contest this month!

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The LGBT Writing Contest - Judging! Open in new Window. (18+)
Short story contest (with great prizes) for LGBT characters.
#1980539 by Osirantinous Author IconMail Icon

The story isn't at all even close to my best work (which is what I get for waiting until the last day for writing a draft), but I'm thinking I might mine pieces of it for a better/rewritten work later.

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This item number is not valid.
#2051339 by Not Available.
  •   1 comment
After some very much needed assistance from the awesome mystic_dreams, I am pleased to announce that this term's PDG Newbie Poetry Class at "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window. has come to a conclusion! Please join me in congratulating our newest graduates, sybarrios, DollarDays is painting Author Icon, and ZombeeLuv Author Icon!

And of course, what's a class without a contest? If you'd like to support these winning poets, please hop over to their final assignments and give them a review!

1st Place:

 Invalid Item Open in new Window.
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#2046128 by Not Available.

Honorable Mentions:

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#2046267 by Not Available.

 Strawberries Open in new Window. (E)
My final assignment for The Poetic Pen
#2046308 by ZombeeLuv Author IconMail Icon

*Beams happily*

*Balloon5* *Bigsmile* *Balloon5* *Bigsmile* *Balloon5* *Bigsmile* *Balloon5* *Bigsmile* *Balloon5* *Bigsmile* *Balloon5*

"Note: Congratulations to [Link To User fallenmerc..."

Want more information? "Note: Woohoo! As I'm sure absolutely nobody has..."

</shameless self promotion>

As I'm sure absolutely nobody has noticed, I'm back in the waters of WDC after an extended hiatus.

Whoopee! So glad to be home!

But what exactly have I been doing all this time?

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Obviously. But that's not all...

"Invalid EntryOpen in new Window.

So exciting!!
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Congratulations. I like the cover.
Ha ha - it's true Elle Author IconMail Icon is an ordinary down to earth gal' you can meet up for a drink with! Oh and go round the M&M's shop lol. But....sh'e still pretty cool *Cool* - do you know Elle that was almost a year ago we met up - It was last July! *Heart*
*Exclaimr* *Stop* Warning! Warning! Shameless Self-Promotion Ahead! *Stop* *Exclaimr*

Okay, now that that's out of the way...

So, my partner and I recently moved into a new place. And like most people, a month in and we still haven't completely unpacked. However, this week I DID get most of my "office" bookshelf filled up. And check this out:

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Like, seriously...Isn't this just the best shelf ever? Dragon's Ale, Doctor Who memorabilia...oh yeah, and the remaining paperback copies of Choosing Her Chains  Open in new Window.. I am still working on getting the eBook formatted and ready for sale, but for now, this is what I have to work with. Anybody interested? *Bigsmile* I'm basically doing direct sells through PayPal for the time being. (Non sequitur: I've been quite impressed by PayPal's business accounts so far. Very nice. *Smile*)

So, long story short, those of you who are interested in an eBook, hold tight. It's coming. *Smile* For those who like to hold the book in your hands, break in the spine (or not) and see how silly I write an uppercase A (because of COURSE I'll sign them), shoot me a message and I'll get you ordering info.

And as long as we're on the subject, I'm working on a piece for this month's "What a Character! : Official WDC ContestOpen in new Window.. Still kind of rough around the edges, but if anyone's needing something to review this month:

 Invalid Item Open in new Window.
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#2046372 by Not Available.

</shameless self promotion>

Now back to your regularly scheduled newsfeed...
  •   1 comment
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/fallenmercury