Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/gamecreator10
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
I'm in the process of creating a game. It's a trading card game called Genesis.
I'm glad that you enjoyed my story and the feedback was incredible. Thank you for you support to a struggling writer. I will be posting the second part of "The Girls Part 1Open in new Window. later. I really busy trying to become a fully paid Arthur, and maybe a game designer as well.
  •   1 comment
I think you mean a fully paid author, not Arthur. *Wink* No worries. You can edit your post and now's a great time to learn. *Laugh* See the little arrow-thingy in the upper right corner? You'll see a number, which you'll need if you ever want to refer to a newsfeed note on here.

Technically the newsfeed things are notes and the forum things are posts, though I call them both posts. *Wink* You can remember these are notes because it says so in the arrow thingy. lol Type {note:666489} to create "Note: Check out [Link To User roryk] 's fun item...", of course using the note number from whichever note you need to post a link to. *Wink*

Okay, I got off track. *Laugh* In the arrow thingy, you'll also see Edit. Click that. Below your post will be a text box where you can edit. If you save your edits and realize you need to make another edit (happens to me a lot *FacePalm*), you have to refresh the page before the Edit button works again. *Wink*

Anyway, good luck with all your plans! *Shamrock*
I just posted part one of a story, please enjoy and review. Thank You!
FYI, people are lazy and most likely won't bother if you don't post a link. There are 2 main ways to post a link to your item here on WdC. I'll post a link to my challenge to show you how. *Bigsmile*

You need the item number. It's a 7 or so digit number under the name and description and such in the line with the genre, etc. You can also see it in the web address, but most folks copy it from the area below the description and such. However, if it's something you've recently written or edited, it automatically pops up after the colon. Note that you use braces to post a link and that if you have slow internet, it might take a bit before the options appear after the colon. Your last 6-8 items should appear. Here are the 2 most common ways to post a link to your item on WdC.

{item:2109126} *Right* "The Contest ChallengeOpen in new Window.

{bitem:2109126} *Down*

Image Protector
The Contest Challenge Open in new Window. (13+)
Join by entering a contest a month for 12 months--Win Badges! Catching up is allowed!
#2109126 by Schnujo's Giving Away GPs Author IconMail Icon

Good job jumping in and getting started! Good luck here! It's a pretty awesome place, but be sure to get out onto the Community Newsfeed and socialize to make friends. *Wink*

I know I already told you, but in case someone else is reading this and doesn't know, the Community Newsfeed is where you can see what everyone posts. You find it by going to your Personal Newsfeed, then clicking "View the Community Newsfeed" along the top-ish part of the newsfeed.

Anyway, welcome again! *Hug*
The Girls part 1 was just posted please review and enjoy. Thank you "The Girls Part 1Open in new Window. 2215914
Awesome! Just so you know, you don't need the item number listed after the link. But great job on the link! Folks are lazy, so without links, you're much less likely to get views. Keep up the great work!
Hello, how we all doing today
I'm doing great.
I am Alive
Good to see you on the Community Newsfeed instead of just your Personal Newsfeed, camelguy! Keep it up! *Smile*

Sorry for the late response. I'm doing well, thank you for asking. Stay safe!
I like to read horror stories like Steven King, and H P Lovecraft. I would love to hear what you read?
I also study Mythology which helps with writing horror, and fantasy.
Currently reading Chuck Phalnik (however you spell his name) Fight Club. Almost done with it!
To make it easier to find blimprider's blog, I thought I'd at least post a link to him. *Wink* But jolanh is right. It's a great blog for writing info!

You also might want to check out Angus. He's into horror, for sure!

Some contests you might be interested in are...

Image Protector
Spirits at Lighthouses Contest Open in new Window. (13+)
Do you have what it takes to write a poem? (Opening Soon)
#2128856 by Beacon's Light Author IconMail Icon

Image Protector
SCREAMS!!! Open in new Window. (GC)
A Terrifying Contest Of Horror And Three Time Quill Award Winner!
#2020439 by Quilli ☕ Author IconMail Icon

 Invalid Item Open in new Window.
This item number is not valid.
#1971713 by Not Available.

I'm sure there's plenty more, but that should get you started if you are interested in entering contests. *Smile*

Just a side note, in case you ever need to link to a person, the 2 ways I use most often are...

{user:schnujo} *Right* Schnujo's Giving Away GPs Author IconMail Icon

{huser:schnujo} *Right* Schnujo's Giving Away GPs

Notice that those are the username, NOT the handle! You can find the username by holding the mouse over their handle. And these are braces, NOT parentheses. *Wink*

And to link an item, the 2 ways I use most are

{item:2109126} *Right* "The Contest ChallengeOpen in new Window.

{bitem:2109126} *Down*

Image Protector
The Contest Challenge Open in new Window. (13+)
Join by entering a contest a month for 12 months--Win Badges! Catching up is allowed!
#2109126 by Schnujo's Giving Away GPs Author IconMail Icon

The item number is below the title and description on the item page, but it pops up automatically after the colon if it's one of the last 6-8 items you've written or edited.

As to your question, I don't really READ much, but I listen to a fair number of Audible books. I just finished "The Good Guys" series by Eric Ugland. It's an RPG/gamer-style book about a guy who entered the game to become a real character. GREAT series! Now I'm listening to a series of lectures on astrophysics and such and how it's used (accurately and inaccurately) in sci-fi stuff like Star Wars, Star Trek, Event Horizon, etc. Very interesting!
In the Erotica section, can we have fully descriptive sex scenes, and can we have scenes of incest?
Thank you
Explicit detail would require the XGC rating, I would think.

Rating System  Open in new Window.
Welcome to WdC, Steven J McCarathy!

Just so you know, if people haven't clicked the Plus sign by your name (AKA made you a favorite of theirs or become your fan), they won't see your posts unless they are on the Community Newsfeed like jolanh, Jayne, and I are. I really encourage you to meet folks and make friends, which will eventually lead to fans. *Wink*

To do that, aside from entering contests, blogging, and socializing in other areas (all great ways to help find fans), I think one of the easiest ways is through the Community Newsfeed. When you click the Newsfeed button on the left side, it will take you to your Personal Newsfeed where you will only see things posted by people YOU have clicked the Plus sign of. Along the top of your Personal Newsfeed, you will see "View the Community Newsfeed." Click that and start scrolling. Like things. Comment. Over time people will see you interacting with them more and more and some will start clicking your Plus sign and will start seeing what you post, even if they are on their Personal Newsfeed. *Wink*

Anyway, again, welcome and good luck with your plans! Oh, check out "The Higher Ratings ContestOpen in new Window.. While some contests allow XGC items, this one caters to those with a sexual theme. *Wink*
Along with my writing. I study Mythology, Paleontology, and Entomology.
Well, right at the moment I'm working a book, and game together. The book is the backstory of the game. The game is called Genesis.
* Content and content ratings in this area are monitored solely by this member. Page owners have the ability to remove posts and/or block posters who do not follow the content rating or who post unwanted content. In addition, each member can block/ignore another member using the Block/Ignore Members" link on the Account Options screen.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/gamecreator10