Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/heady2011
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The more energy and enthusiasm I create for myself on achieving my dreams, goals, daily chores, important tasks, and my most wanted desire in life, I believe will consume the stress and negativity that overpowers me on a daily basis.

"I am not a slave of my own desires; EVERYONE has within their power to Control, Direct, and MASTER your dreams and goals."
"Desire to do so.

Desire to start.

Desire to achieve.

Desire to finish."
Everyday. Each step I choose to take, whether it's a small step or a major leap, you slowly begin to come closer to your desires. Taking at least one step each day, will help you gain more of a positive attitude. The feeling of achievement will help you become more enthusiastic about life. For instance; Today I made all the important phone calls that I've been avoiding. After each call, I crossed off my to-do list, and felt a major sigh of relief. This is a start, and I must start somewhere.

I love to smile and laugh. I won' t surrender to any challenge. My promise, achieve my goal's and fulfill my childhood dreams, to be happy, healthy, and content with life. I will love unconditionally and take nothing for granted. To learn and explore new opportunities in life is very important to me. Bottom line, I'm young, my vocabulary/grammar is by far NOT the best, but I'm determined to tell my story, my own way. I plan to learn as I grow, and one day be able to help others who can relate.
I have all these thoughts and ideas racing through my mind. When I try to express them on paper my pen doesn't move. How do I find a starting point? I need to keep focus on the point of my story rather than jump around and confuse myself.

I know I'm only twenty-two and my novel cannot be written over night. So far thought I have an incredible story to tell. Imp sure as I grow, gain more knowledge and become wiser, maybe then I can find the starting point.


Sadness is an empty heart that desperately craves love that's never found.

It smells like the beginning of rain pouring onto dry concrete.

It taste like a week old chicken bone decaying in garbage.

It feels like that deep cry which is so intense you cant catch your breath.

It looks like a grey and gloomy Winter afternoon.

Sadness is getting lost in a nightmare and unable to wake up.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/heady2011