Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/hippychick
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Happy 8th WDC Anniversary, Dearest Lady!
Happy 7th WDC Anniversary, Lady!
Happy Birthday,
My Dearest Lady!
Happy Birthday, My Lady!

Hope this new year will bring you lots of happiness,
love, and fun. Enjoy every moment!
Kindest Regards, Lilli

Happ birthday HC , I just learned from your hubby that you are on WDC. Glad to see you here and hope we see more of you as you share your thoughts.
I hope your day is full of blessings and joy, Maybe Jay will cook dinner tonight. *Thinker* *Laugh*
Alexi *Heart*
Happy Birthday, Dearest Lady!

*Smile* *Cake2* *Smile**CakeB**Smile* *Cake2* *Smile**CakeB**Smile* *Cake2* *Smile**CakeB*
Happy Birthday to you and have a bless day.
Happy 4th WDC Anniversary, Dear Hippychick!

Happy Birthday, Dear Lady! 😃❤️🎂💕😎❤️😃
  •   1 comment
Thank you sweetest boy....
Happy 3rd WDC Anniversary, my dear hippychick! 😃
Happy WDC Anniversary, Dear Hippychick!

Happy WDC Anniversary, Dear Lady!
One year!
That's pretty significant! *Cool*
Hi hippychick Author IconMail Icon *Smile*

Welcome to WDC.
I hope you will enjoy sharing your writings as well as finding your way up here.

Drop by at the Newbies Academy Lounge.
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#1949861 by ~ Santa Sisco ~ Author IconMail Icon

Have a great day WRITING!
Samberine Sig.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/hippychick