Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/humblepoet
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I have a question for mystery writers, especially (but not exclusively) those who have written in this genre for a long time.

Has 'crime-proofing technology' affected your writing? If so, in what way(s)?

For instance, has the classic image of someone standing in the shadows and picking the lock on someone's back door been made a less believable element now that there are cell-phone connected door-cams, elaborate lighting and alarm systems, and such literally *everywhere*.
If I had to write a mystery, which I seem to write far less of than I would have expected judging by how many I’ve read, I would probably set it in an earlier and simpler time. I’m not even entirely familiar with the new smart gadgets which are so commonplace nowadays.

In "The Name’s Daisy, I included smartphones and Facebook, but neglected to consider smart cameras and in-home surveillance, so it would be set perhaps ten years back from now.

I think this would be a good topic for a newsletter… Carol St.Ann ?
That would be a yes.
My current story takes place in 1998, so I need to pay attention to what technology was actually in mainstream use by then.

In current writing there’s no way to avoid the surveillance options both inside and outside of commercial establishments, offices, homes, even parks and recreation, not to mention drones and satellites.
Then there is the reality our TVs and phones monitor our every word and move.

Today’ mystery must certainly come up with clever ways to maneuver all that. Perps must be very knowledgeable indeed.
Amethyst Angel🍂🧡 - Thanks for tagging me.
It’s a great idea, and I’ll take you up on the suggestion.
What is your understanding of the phrase "used to" or "use to" as a way to express the idea "once was?"

This phrase seems to be used by every English speaker in the world, myself included, yet I can't seem to figure out how it fits into the syntax and grammar of the English language. I've tried diagramming sentences with it, but to no avail.
  •   1 comment
This is what I read: makes sense to me: https://www.thesaurus.com/e/grammar/use-to-or-used-to/
happy birthday
Happy Birthday! *Smile*
Happy Birthday Image
May the dreams you hold dearest,
be those which come true,
and the kindness you spread,
keep returning to you!

Kindest Regards, Lilli
*Giftb* *Balloonp* *Giftb* *Balloonp**Giftb*
A short time back, I ordered physical copies of two of my MBs. I have a well-deserved reputation as a complainer, but I haven't one single complaint about these.

Patience is a virtue, but I don't seem to be a virtuous person. The second badge arrived about a week ago, which is at least a week earlier than I had expected the first one. The first one arrived at least two weeks ago. So, I received both badges much sooner than I had expected.

The badges not only arrived quickly, but they're very nice items. My plan is to buy a writers jacket of the sort with suede elbow patches, and a vest on which to display my badges. I'll certainly look the part of a writer!

Many thanks to WdC and to all who sent me the original accolades and greetings, and to WdC for offering both the virtual and the physical badges. They give me a sense of accomplishment and help me to feel like part of something greater than myself --- like part of a community.
  •   1 comment
You are part of a community. Well done on the merit badges. They’ll look great sewn on to a jacket. Hope you have a willing sewer. I always hated the task when kids needed badges or name tags sewn on.
Happy birthday 🎂

Warmest wishes for a happy birthday!
Kindest Regards, Lilli
*Giftt* *Balloonp* *Giftt* *Balloonp**Giftt*
Greetings and Well Met, Fellow WdC Authors!

         While reading a Newsfeed earlier, I was hit with an idea that I feel I absoSmurfly must share with my fellow authors! Though I'm presenting it generally to all registered authors with basic membership or higher (assuming I set all that correctly when I created the item), I plan to mention it specifically to a few special friends.
         I fear that some parts of the article I wrote to explain it might sound like an attempt to sell something or coax someone into investing in something. That's not my intent at all. I'm simply presenting the idea (in an article of about 390 words) to others in the hope that one or more might see some merit in the idea, which involves combining writing with another art form.
         The Newsfeed I read asked a question about what each of us does when life is winding out at full speed and wearing us down. When we lack the inspiration and/or the oomph to write, what do we do with our time? When even writing fails to relax us, what do we do. I was taking a break to relax from relaxingly working a puzzle with Bren, when I read that Newsfeed. That got the gears to turnin' --- and I got my brain caught in them! So check out the latest item in my portfolio if you wish. I welcome all comments, questions, and suggestions. P.S. How do you add a link to the item in your Newsfeed? I'm going to try to mention specific author friends now. I'm still uncertain of how this is done, too. So, wish me luck!

Humble Poet
They are right. The space after the colon is the problem. *Wink*

{bitem:2301761} *Down*

An Idea For Combining Writing and Art  (E)
This is my idea for combining two pleasurable interests and two art forms.
#2301761 by Humble_P PNG
Thank you, everyone. I think I've got it now. *Cut* (Closest thing I could find to a crossed fingers emoticon.)

An Idea For Combining Writing and Art  (E)
This is my idea for combining two pleasurable interests and two art forms.
#2301761 by Humble_P PNG
PERFECT! *Delight*

As for fingers crossed, we have that emoji...
{e:fingerscrossed} = *Fingerscrossed*

But we have a LOT of emojis, so it can be hard to find just the right one these days. *Wink*
Happy anniversary
Thank you! I have just mentioned elsewhere that the camaraderie and sense of community is a great encouragement to me, and encouragement leads me on toward ever better writing.
*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*

Have you claimed your Achievement Merit Badges?  
How can I contact WdC Support, specifically the WdC Store? I placed an order quite some time ago for physical items (at the same time I renewed my Upgraded Membership). The Upgrade worked fine, but the physical items are still showing as "Not yet shipped."
In case this wasn't resolved yet, I left a note with

Technical Support Forum  (13+)
Members help other members with technical questions and problems using Writing.Com!
#303715 by Writing.Com Support

asking them to contact you.

Since purchases contain personal details, I figured it would need to be a private discussion.

Hope that helps.

They indeed have not yet shipped. We only have handful of physical items each month and we tend to ship once or twice a month at most.

Would you like me to cancel and refund the payment for the physical items? Or are you just checking to make sure the order isn't lost in our system?

Please let me know when you have a moment.

You can email Writing.Com Support but I think shipping can take a while as things were busy during the holiday sales. I ordered several physical MBs during the Black Friday sale and haven't heard anything about them yet. I'm hoping/expecting to see them by February. *FingersCrossed*
Everyone asked the comedian,

"How cold is it?"

Some of the cOLD answers were...

"It is so cold that I just saw an earthworm mugging a caterpillar for its fur coat."

"It is so cold that I built a fire to stay warm, but the flame froze."

"It is so cold that I made hot cocoa but before I could take a sip, it turned into a chocolate bar."

Ok. It's your turn. How cold is it?
Make us shiver with laughter!

It's so cold nothing can melt the ice off the road even if a fire was lit. Wait that fire would get frozen too.
As cold as a well digger's ass.
It's so cold that iguanas are falling for the trees.
No, really, they are.
I apologize for using Newsfeed in a probably improper manner, but I've searched all over through the Community Section and such, but cannot find an answer. I have a simple question.

Is there a way I can download my emails into some generic format (.txt, .doc, etc) en masse? I have, at times, used copy/paste to save text into Notepad on my computers, but I'd like to have a way to copy the whole account at once. Maybe there's a way to save to CSV or summat?

Thank you, my friends.
Great question. This is so technical, I'd suggest clicking on Need Help? at the top right corner of the screen, which takes you to the "Technical Support Forum. You can search previous Q&A's and post your Q there - usually you'll get a relatively quick response. Cheers, Shawn!
When you can't find answers, this (Newsfeed) is the proper place to go, usually, someone will provide a response, or at the least, re-direct you.

I do not know how you would do this, or if it's even possible. If you don't find a solution in the "Technical Support Forum you can also try looking at "Writing.Com 101
Have a look at this. It might be a start. "Setting Up Offsite Mail Service
I recently wrote and added a new poem, Yutta-hey!!!, (rated for Everyone) to my portfolio. In fact, it's one of my highlighted items. I might sound conceited here, but I like that poem better every time I re-read it. So, I thought I'd post a rare Newsfeed to see what anyone else thinks of it. I post Newsfeeds about as often as I (usually) re-read my own poetry, so you can guess that I'm pretty proud of this poem, justly or not. What are your thoughts?
Hi Shawn - to improve visibility for your poem (since humans are a lazy bunch, aren't we?), you can create a link for it in your post like this: {item:#######} or {bitem:#######} with the item number replacing the #s (obvs.) Using "item" will give a link with just the item's title, the "bitem" looks more impressive (imho). So if you type in this: {{bitem:2285720} your post will show this:

Yutta-hey!!!  (E)
All existence is perfect in my soul!!
#2285720 by Humble_P PNG

So happy to see you promoting your poetry! Cheers!
Oops! Typo in that last line – you only need one curly bracket on each end of your item or bitem posting. *Blush* *Bigsmile*
* Content and content ratings in this area are monitored solely by this member. Page owners have the ability to remove posts and/or block posters who do not follow the content rating or who post unwanted content. In addition, each member can block/ignore another member using the Block/Ignore Members" link on the Account Options screen.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/humblepoet