Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/iammamu
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This is a holiday full of gratitude, for me. A year and a half ago, after twenty six years of marriage, I was abandoned. It followed a horrific few years that still has my head spinning and has still not filled me with any answers as to what happened. I muddled along for a few months only to have my husband file for bankruptcy and subsequently loosing my home. Another four month spent with daughter number two proved to be even worse so I came home. Home is in Philly, a place I hadn't lived for twenty one years. I was homeless, with a grand daughter and three dachshunds. Whoever said you can never go back wasn't raised in Northeast Philly. Blessed with numerous childhood friends and some family members still living here, I was offered a home to get on my feet and some loving to soothe my withered spirit.

That was thirteen months ago. Today, I live in my own apartment, adorably girly, with my precious grand daughter, the three doxies I returned with and an added pup, Ceasar Salad. This sweet doxie boy, with a bad heart also deserved a new life and we adopted him, last April. Imagine how thrilled I was to have a landlord who accepted a bankrupt grandmother with all her dogs and a teenager!

This is our first Christmas, in our own home. We celebrated Thanksgiving with wonderful friends. When help was needed it somehow just appeared. Little by little, my intense fears are abating and I'm learning that most weren't as worthy of the fear as I had thought. Still fearful, I am also realizing that God has my back, and have seen it many times in this period of transition. I am reinventing myself and liking the person that is emerging. Life is good and I'm realizing that I am a good person who deserves to be happy.

Yes I am grateful and am embarking on a new adventure called life. I am very excited to see who it is I am meant to be and make friends with this person. I am already starting to like her. For those who didn't know it, alone and lonely are not the same thing. These days when I am alone it is because that is what I want or need. I thank all the wonderful people who decided that I was worth the effort to help and find that having me in their lives is a plus. Who could have imagined that being abandoned was a positive thing. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays to everyone. With renewed confidence I plan on getting back to writing and improve what I once had. I will be a writer and I will do good. I just know it.
Chaos is spelled R-E-N-O-V-A-T-I-O-N !!!!!!!

Since the fire, on February fifteenth, my life has been in varying degrees of chaos. The worst of it being since they actually started the renovations, finally.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/iammamu