It's been awhile since I've been active, are there any novel-writing or critique groups still lingering out there in the void? |
Sorji - I'm definitely up for it! Trying to get that critique community I used to have back. You don't realize how much it helps until you don't have it. |
Inkslinger - I completely agree. I love my beta readers, but I need other writers looking over things to catch those really sneaky errors - and I assume other writers feel the same. Sadly, I'm not sure of who else is looking for such a group besides ourselves. |
I got great feedback from a group of random people (by random, they opted in to read it, and were all followers of mine) by advertising one of my novels on Newsfeed and passkey protecting it. The feedback really helped. I posted it chapter by chapter so they were not overwhelmed, then, once feedback was given, removed it from WdC. I edited it then submitted it for an open call. |
I've been missing this place lately, as well as my old friends on here and, well...I purchased a 6 month membership to make myself stick around for at least that long. Hello to the void, And excuse me while I try to remember how everything works. :) |
YAY! WELCOME BACK!!! I assume you recall that you need curly braces to create a link such as {item:2109126} = "The Contest Challenge" . There's item and bitem links. And to tag folks, the main ones are user, suser, and huser. Excuse me if you recall all of this already. But if you have questions, feel free to reach out. You answered a ton of my questions when I was new, so I am happy to return the favor. I'm just excited to see you back again! |
I poke my head in after a year? Two? Everyone I thought would be blue is in fact blue. |
Schnujo's Giving Away GPs aww, you're sweet! I've got too many other irons in the fire to skulk around here these days, sadly. (I seriously can't believe I remembered how to tag people!!!) |
Very glad you remember how to tag! I'm sorry you won't be around much, but am definitely glad you popped in! |
Happy 6th WDC Anniversary, Inkslinger !!! Miss you around these parts. Hope life is treating you well! Webbie |