Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/jakalak
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Alright, well. I've deleted Weeping Men and Joyful Shouts, although I said I would revise it and it didn't get absolutely terrible reviews. It actually made me sick to read it, sadly. I've stored it to my computer, but I don't feel I will revise it any time soon.

I'm also uploading a new, shorter, poem. I have no idea how good it is.

I've failed in maintaining willpower (again). Am no longer working on that canzone.

How many of you people even read this, by the way?
Canzone's going well, I think I'm going to try a group of 3.

I hate my life. It seems whatever greater being(s) created me/set in motion things that created me have destined to make my life as depressing as possible in as creative a way as possible.

Hurray, I'm a cosmic joke.
Alrighty, new project. I'm going to try writing my first closed-form poem, a canzone.

I honestly don't have any idea what I'll write it about, but I WILL write one, sooner or later.
Have no idea how that last short story turned up.

I liked how it sounded, for the most part, but I guess I'm used to writing stories with a point, instead of just for the story.

Let's see how it goes, I guess.
I really, really think that If I'm going to continue writing poetry, I desperately need to learn how to write closed-form, as well.

The problem I have is that for whatever reason, I can never tell how many syllables a word has, or where the stress is on the particular word, which makes it almost impossible for me to put together any closed-form poem following its rules.
First notebook entry here, I guess. Just got through with exams, so I should have a little more time to write, and since I've had a little time to get over my hormones, I'm hoping to get more non romance/love poems/short stories out there.

Already have an idea for a new short story, going to flesh it out a little more. I'd also like to thank whoever sent me the Upgraded membership, I owe you a bunch. Really, I do. I'd love if you told me who you were, although I may be able to guess.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/jakalak