Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/javajunkie1963
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EPILOGUE: This is a novel that spans four decades. A story of loss, betrayal, abuse and infidelity but it is also a story of recovery and the indomitable strength of the human spirit to survive the best & worst life has to offer

This work, while labelled Fiction is mostly factual, in places. I have changed the names and identities of certain people so as not to incriminate them or make them too identifiable. Only those who I've written about, if they read this and recognize themselves at all; will know IF what I've said is true. I've embellished certain stories to make them more readable and eliminated some stories as they may be too upsetting to some readers I believe. As per internet forum rules I am putting a TRIGGER WARNING here. This novel deals with abuse, sexual and verbal, sexual assault, betrayal, infidelity, addiction, bereavement, grief and more. If you find these issues triggering please be warned! As with any writing you find on the internet or elsewhere these days, take this story with a grain of salt please. My intention in writing this is to purge my soul of this story. I understand in retrospect that some people did the best they could and their treatment of me was neither intended nor malicious. I'll leave it at that. Thanks, AngrBoda

This novel is dedicated to my children, M, D and M. Without them I'd have had no reason to even get up in the morning. They inspire me to do more with this one short life I've been given. Also thanks to the men who were in my life, although fleetingly, they helped make me a stronger person and woman for loving them. Thanks M and D. Love you forever
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/javajunkie1963