Do posts on personal newsfeed also show up on global newsfeed or just the peeps I want? |
If you post in your Notebook, or the Personal or Community Newsfeed... it shows up in all three places. |
What Cinn keep it down to a family friendly level, lest ye be made to walk the plank. |
I wrote a new entry in my blog called "Invalid Entry" I saw it with my own two eyes ! Check it out here
I entered this poem in the daily poem contest for yesterday. The prompt was writing about First Responders of which I are one . I figure the judges have reviewed the entries by now so I wanted to put it out for you folks to see it. It's in my Portfolio here---->
It's directly from the heart and soul of a Paramedic, I teared up when I wrote it. I'd be honored if you would read it and let me know if it sux. P.S. In the dedication are 3 of my colleagues, Today is both Steve and Mark's Birthdays. |
There has been a couple posts for poems and prayers for First Responders over the holidays and I just wanna say thanks to everyone who remembers my brothers and sisters who work the holidays this year. Bake an extra dozen for the Police, the Fire Station and the EMS base this year if you have time. (if you mark them for all 3 shifts the daylight crew won't get as fat - just saying) |
I updated my Blog ! With the entry called "Invalid Entry"
Come check it out and see what you think ! |
My blog has a new entry "Invalid Entry"
Check it out, tell me what you think |
BAM ! The world just changed. I finally got around to starting a Blog. Truthfully I never knew what blog was, I thought it was the sound a Hippo makes when it ducks underwater. Who knew? Mine's about my Paramedic and Cop experiences. They will be in my book, but you're going to see them here first. Buy the book too of course ! I'll sign it ☺️
WRITERS NEWS ALERT..beebeebeeebeeebeeeep If anyone wants PARAMEDIC POLICE or FIREFIGHTER info for their storylines... I did all three, and I'll gladly give you input on how we do things out there in the street or check your work for accuracy. Drop me an Email anytime. Use Me ! |
Holy cow! There's a newbie here!!!!! Welcome to WDC!!!! Holler away if you want to know stuff. Here is a tip. Join this:
You'll learn your way around... |