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I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
 Mortician's Assistant  (13+)
Her new job had its good days and terrifying days - Twisted Tales - Words: 5,952

Created for the July Twisted Tales
I've added a new item to my portfolio:
 Hidden Admirer - Express it in Eight  (E)
Don't Look Now - 57 words - Eight Lines
How much research do you do for a story/poem for a contest?

I am asking for friend. A close friend of mine. Practically twins.

OK, I want to know.
Everyone's said it already: it depends. Myself, I tend to write from the heart with things I either know a lot about already (such as music) or things which allow room for "unschooled" imagination, such as fantasy.

When I wrote a story about an elderly lady who wanted to be a spy, I had to do some research on age limits in the CIA and if there were other types of jobs she could do within the Agency.

If it's a realistic and detail oriented story, you may need to do basic fact checking: a police procedural, for example. It just depends...
I think there is an old saying of "Write what you know" - and then I guess you don't have to research it *Pthb*

Probably doesn't work for horror stories....
Looks like everyone has the same approach to this one. I would just add that experience is the best research and that can take a lifetime.
What has a spine but no bones?

A book
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so, chapbooks are spineless? (LOL)
Your review somehow left the 1010 gift points unclaimed. You could still gather those in by simply stating, I have reviewed your story, rated it (click on what ever strs) and provided you my "Sandwich" review checklist.
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
 Late for Breakfast  (13+)
Writer's Cramp - 992 words. A wizard is in need of a special ingredient.

Twisted Tales Submission - 992 Words
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
 Bloodlines  (18+)
Twisted Tales - Moving to a new State brings a new house, school, friends, and surprises.

New Edit Completed.

Twister Tales Submission

Word count 5,761
Request for Review ending 3 pm tomorrow
Can someone share the link to the Twisted Tales Contest, please.

Thank you.

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Twisted Tales Contest  (13+)
A monthly contest for stories with a twist. Get 500 GPs for entering! July round open!
#1269187 by Arakun the Twisted Raccoon
My wife lost her mother today.

Their relationship was very unique. I have written stories about my wife’s mother and her treatment of my wife throughout my wife’s life.

My heart is going out to my wife at this time. She never received the mother’s love she deserved.
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"You are the crispy noodle in the vegetarian salad of life."

Fortune Cookie of the Day.
That's nice. Whenever I get a fortune cookie it always gives me an ad for some stupid cryptocurrency exchange.
You know, I only learnt about fortune cookies from US cartoons. If we have them here, I ain't seen 'em.
s - Where you find there in the U.S. is at Chinese restaurants. They give them to you with your bill for your meal. There may be other Asian restaurants that do this, as well. They are crunchy with a bit of vanilla/almond flavor.

You break them open and there is a little strip of paper inside with your "fortune". It used to be they would sound a bit predictive, like "you will come into a large sum of money soon" type of thing. Any more they are more like vague affirmations.

Sometimes there will be lucky numbers on the back, or "learn Chinese" with some Chinese characters and the translation. I suppose that is so you have some numbers to play in the lottery or some cool Chinese characters to use as a tattoo, lol
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
 What Really Matters  (E)
Colton is left a prism by his father. Will he find the real gift?

New entry to my portfolio.

Please enjoy.
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
 The Dream that Wasn't - Revision  (18+)
Everyone has a dream of what they want to be in the future - what if you don't have one?
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
 Preparation  (18+)
What happens to us at the end?
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
 Window of Life  (E)
Entry for Round 131
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/jtpete86