Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/kelnevs
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Hello everyone! I'm Kelsey and I'm new to the site. Any tips or pointers to share?
Welcome! There's much to see and do. For starters check out Writing.com 101 in the upper right section of window. That links you to several articles on what to do on the site and as well as how to do it. You write it, we'll read it and comment on it! *Smile*
Elle  Author Icon
Welcome to the site, Kelsey! Read, review, write and interact... The more you review, write and interact, the more you'll get involved in the community here. *Smile* I'm sure you'll come to love it here as much as we do!
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/kelnevs