Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/kidonamonitor
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
i have this fnaf au right? and William Afton (purple guy) doesn't exist in it and it's like we've got it's like it's just sentient animatronics. and white rabbit and redbear and tangle and xangle (fnaf world enemies) are there and they have new backstories and designs and stuff and they're teaming up with lolbit and nightmare and uh who was it again i think uhh bonnet and uhhh was there someone else? and they're going to do something they're on a quest or something??? but that's all I've got for now
me at 4:01 AM in bed thinking about my 230,837,136,215,500th background character's best friend's sister's parent's kid's uncle's worst enemy's ancestor's cousin twice removed's favorite flavor of Kellogg's cereal:
I have several story ideas, but all of them involve multiple characters from franchises I don't own, drugs, killing people I hate, or at worst, all of those.
here for me

Email me if you need anything!
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/kidonamonitor