Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/m.tyrone
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Buenas tardes, mis amigos! I've written a continuation to a story I wrote earlier in the spring, and I'm looking for reads and reviews!

"Invalid Item "Invalid Item

I'm looking forward to some feedback! Have a wonderful night!
Yo guys, I just added an entry to my blog, "Invalid Item:
         "Invalid Entry

I'd read it if I were me.
So I just entered this contest thing that required a 10,000 GP submission. I blinked and saw my 50,000 go to 40,000 GP. I blinked, and in the darkness of my shutter, I saw myself cry a little inside...

OH WELL! Time to review some more pieces!
So many reviews for my story...and I asked for them--the good, the bad, the ugly. Can't wait to reply to them all...

in the morning.
Some of my favorite lyrics by one of my favorite rap artists:

"I'm eleven years old firing a weapon
Dad's hand on my shoulder, smoke in my nose
Got older, went from chocolate to dro
Now if it ain't flight, it's a no go
Bigger, faster, stronger[...]
It just goes to show
I could go back tell myself everything I know
But me at 23 would probably shrug a shoulder.
Ever write a character down and have this one soundtrack in mind for him/her? Like, "This person busts through the door to kick some ass [insert Back in Black here]." In such a case that I am writing that particular character, I find that I have to at least get the feel to the person.

Today's soundtrack: "Make It wit Chu" by Queens of the Stone Age. Currently my favorite song from them!

What's your cool character's soundtrack?
For this note, I'd like to ask the question, What does it take for you to get business done? Also, has there been any time where the motivation to do so goes scarce, so much that it takes seemingly forever for you to act?

I'm interested in hearing the responses, for this is me in a nutshell. Also, if anyone wants to switch lives for a while, please say so. I heard empathy's in nowadays.
Alright, pals. I'm sorry to say that my life-switcher-upper, a. k. a. my vacuum cleaner, is down for the count, so we won't be seeing any Disney Channel-esque plots and sequences (although I did enjoy Sister, Sister).

I have tried the "multitasking" method, but with me, I blast music, ranging from bluegrass to hip hop. Lately, and strangley, I've received better results while listening to hip hop.
If I really just can't get focused, I go to Starbucks, get a grande cappuccino, nonfat at 135F, turn on Pandora to something that I'm feeling at the moment and make a channel (I really like the TheXX channel), and then I write. Sometimes taking breaks to people watch :P
This might seem a little strange, it has been my experience. I had taken 4 or 5 hiatus from writing and had recently in January 2014 got back into it. Now I had all these ideas for stories running around in my head and when it came time where I would sit down to write all the ideas would leave me or I would do other things so I was putting off writing. I sat down with myself and started looking at the truth about myself. I found that fear was greater in me than my desire at that time to write so the fear was winning. When I came to realize this and went through the reasons why; one of these reason is the fear of judgement or of what others will say about my work because at that time I was entering my writing in some contests and I had some embarrassing experiences from my past writing experiences. It has taken a bit of time to work through this stuff and some of it I still am working through. I hope this helps ya :)
Went to Shipley's (a 24-hour doughnut place) about an hour ago. Felt like it. Felt like remembering, I guess. There will be times like that in life where you want to go to places you been to before, but this time as a person in the future, or present, I suppose. Anyway, I go there, order some doughnuts, a coffee, sat down; brought a notepad and Faulkner. I write some stuff, read a bit, and listen to the characters that walk into the shop, most of them aged men. All of them reminded me of my father in some particular way. They also reminded me of my childhood and how separate I am from it. I figure that's how life's going to come--or maybe time--from here on out: indications of the past.

Have a great day, my friends. Have a doughnut, maybe two--one for yourself, and the other for the child in you.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/m.tyrone