Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/mathguy
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
This is a follow-up to yesterdays post about a member who requested I review AI-generated content without informing me it was so generated.

First, the member has apologized. I found the apology to be sincere, and so I sent this email in response: "Letter on AI Content.

Second, I'm wondering if this is a topic for my next "For Authors" newsletter? I've been on sabatical for the last six months, and my first newsletter is due next week. It seems to me that a discussion of the following might be useful to members.

(1) the meaning of the copyright notice that WDC places at the bottom every item. In particular, that notice is an affimative assertion that the content is original, and both created by and owned by the author.
(2) What do do if parts of that assertion are not correct.

The latter legtimately arises with many kinds of posted content--fan fiction comes to mind, for example. Of course, "what to do" is to include a notice limiting the claims of the copyright notice and properly citing the source of the material that is not original, and thus neither created by nor owned by the author.

Consider the story I wrote about yesterday. The author input characters and plot into an AI generator. The generator spit out the story. If the posted story included these facts, namely that only the characters and plot were original and that an AI generator did the rest, that would have informed my response to the review request and saved hours of my time. A proper full citation would include naming the AI generator and providing a link, assuming it's online.

What does everyone think? Is this a worthwhile newsletter topic, or is it beating a dead horse?

I'm guessing most members don't think about point (1), and may not even realize the copyright notice is there.

First of all, thank you Allan Charles for using and mentioning my survey!

Next, Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈 I think you should absolutely run with this idea. I am looking forward to reading your newsletter on this subject!

I admit that it didn't occur to me that people would be doing this on WdC and then passing it off as their own work. Shows how behind the times I am, LOL

If you are able to address the fan fic issue, I would love that, too. I recently judged one of the official WdC contests and a piece was entered that was obviously fan fic. It wasn't indicated as such. The thing I was concerned about was that it was so close to the original TV show that it could have been one. It might have been, for all I knew! I wasn't really sure how to approach that other than to suggest to the writer that he add Fan Fic as a genre.
Definitely a worthwhile topic.
As I mentioned in the original post, I think this topic is important, but the "powers that be" do tend to ignore it, or think it is not important.

Misrepresentation is a grey area where it comes to law. But if someone posts the lyrics to their favourite song, and the copyright notice says they have the copyright (which is what happens here), no matter what disclaimers are elsewhere, that, to me, is misrepresentation and borders on theft.

But, again, I was told it was none of my business.

This is an important topic, so, yes, please put it in the newsletter.
I just spent two hours this morning writing a review for a newbie on here. I subsequently learned from another member that this particular person has been submitting AI-generated content. I checked the content on multilple sites and verified that the story I just reviewed was indeed AI-generated.
I feel used. This was a waste of my time and took advantage of my good intentions in providing feedback to other authors. A machine can't benefit from my comments. I sent the following message to the person involved:

It has come to my attention that the story you sent me was AI-generated. I have confirmed this by testing the content on multiple reputable sites for detecting AI-generatated content.

This wastes my time and is dishonest. It is also unacceptable. I'm willing to spend time to help people improve their writing. I'm not willing to be scammed by dishonest people representing AI-generated work as their own.

Do write to me again. I will ignore all future communication from you.

Fair warning to others providing reviews--it's probably now necessary to check requests from unknown sources. Google provides a free checker at https://gptzero.me/. Another free and reliable site is https://copyleaks.com/ai-content-detector The latter service will also check for plagiarism.
Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈 - Thank you for your reply, Max. You are right. We should be more protective of our time. *Heart*
And not make anyone a target. Sorry for splitting the replies... this is the third time I'm typing this. I kept losing my reply.
s - I'm not sure the writer knows about the copyright at the bottom. I forgot about it, myself. I wish I had thought about that when dealing with my own situation where someone was copy/pasting work. *Pthb* I would have definitely mentioned that! *Irritated*
Banner for Shorts in July

It's July, so it's *Fire* hot *Fire* . That makes it a great time for shorts-- *ExclaimO* short stories *ExclaimO*, that is.

The Challenge:
               *Bulleto* pick one of three summer-related *Music2* songs *Music2*
               *Bulleto* *Pencil* Write *Pencil* a story inspired by that song
               *Bulleto* Use three *Genielamp* magic words *Genielamp* in your story

The Rewards:
                *Treasure* Treasure *Treasure*
                *Ribbonb* Accolades *Ribbonb*
                *Scroll* fame *Scroll*
In Writing.Com speak, that's gift points, merit badges, and awardicons.

The songs are Here Comes the Sun by the Beatles, Summer Lovin' from Grease, and Summertime from Porgy and Bess. The magic words are SULTRY, INFERNO, and FERVID.

The words are *Genielamp* magic *Genielamp* because they open the *Dooro* door *Dooro* to the contest and let your story pass through.

The contest will remain open until we receive ten stories or 8:00AM July 31, 2024, whichever happens first.
Assuming we don't close early, the contest closes in [Refresh to load countdown.]

It promises to be fun and rewarding, so check it out at the "Shorts in July Contest
Banner for Shorts in July

It's July, so it's *Fire* hot *Fire* . That makes it a great time for shorts-- *ExclaimO* short stories *ExclaimO*, that is.

The Challenge:
               *Bulleto* pick one of three summer-related *Music2* songs *Music2*
               *Bulleto* *Pencil* Write *Pencil* a story inspired by that song
               *Bulleto* Use three *Genielamp* magic words *Genielamp* in your story

The Rewards:
                *Treasure* Treasure *Treasure*
                *Ribbonb* Accolades *Ribbonb*
                *Scroll* fame *Scroll*
In Writing.Com speak, that's gift points, merit badges, and awardicons.

The songs are Here Comes the Sun by the Beatles, Summer Lovin' from Grease, and Summertime from Porgy and Bess. The magic words are SULTRY, INFERNO, and FERVID.

The words are *Genielamp* magic *Genielamp* because they open the *Dooro* door *Dooro* to the contest and let your story pass through.

The contest will remain open until we receive ten stories or 8:00AM July 31, 2024, whichever happens first.
Assuming we don't close early, the contest closes in [Refresh to load countdown.]

It promises to be fun and rewarding, so check it out at the "Shorts in July Contest
  •   1 comment
Had a mental block – a lot of action offline*Pthb* – but it feels like the story gets going again soon.*ThumbsUpL*
Banner for Shorts in July

It's July, so it's *Fire* hot *Fire* . That makes it a great time for shorts-- *ExclaimO* short stories *ExclaimO*, that is.

The Challenge:
               *Bulleto* pick one of three summer-related *Music2* songs *Music2*
               *Bulleto* *Pencil* Write *Pencil* a story inspired by that song
               *Bulleto* Use three *Genielamp* magic words *Genielamp* in your story

The Rewards:
                *Treasure* Treasure *Treasure*
                *Ribbonb* Accolades *Ribbonb*
                *Scroll* fame *Scroll*
In Writing.Com speak, that's gift points, merit badges, and awardicons.

The songs are Here Comes the Sun by the Beatles, Summer Lovin' from Grease, and Summertime from Porgy and Bess. The magic words are SULTRY, INFERNO, and FERVID.

The words are *Genielamp* magic *Genielamp* because they open the *Dooro* door *Dooro* to the contest and let your story pass through.

The contest runs through the end of July. It promises to be fun and rewarding, so check it out at the "Shorts in July Contest
ROAR Forum Banner

Since May 28, 2024 this project has recognized 103 outstanding reviews and dispensed 51,500 GPS. We're grateful for all reviews on Writing.Com, but we've chosen these reviews for excellence in being
Professional They are professional in both content and manner.
Respecful.. They respect the authors and their creative instincts.
In-depth. They provide an in-depth discussion of the art and craft of writing.
Motivating. They motivate authors to achieve excellence in the art and craft of fiction.
Encouraging. They encourage authors at all levels to achieve their best.

At present, there are only two people doing this, and so many deserving reviews are doubtless missed. If you are interested in participating in the R.O.A.R. project, please write to Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈
Banner for Shorts in July

It's July, so it's *Fire* hot *Fire* . That makes it a great time for shorts-- *ExclaimO* short stories *ExclaimO*, that is.

The Challenge:
               *Bulleto* pick one of three summer-related *Music2* songs *Music2*
               *Bulleto* *Pencil* Write *Pencil* a story inspired by that song
               *Bulleto* Use three *Genielamp* magic words *Genielamp* in your story

The Rewards:
                *Treasure* Treasure *Treasure*
                *Ribbonb* Accolades *Ribbonb*
                *Scroll* fame *Scroll*
In Writing.Com speak, that's gift points, merit badges, and awardicons.

The songs are Here Comes the Sun by the Beatles, Summer Lovin' from Grease, and Summertime from Porgy and Bess. The magic words are SULTRY, INFERNO, and FERVID.

The words are *Genielamp* magic *Genielamp* because they open the *Dooro* door *Dooro* to the contest and let your story pass through.

The contest runs through the end of July. It promises to be fun and rewarding, so check it out at the "Shorts in July Contest
1.125 words and 5 magic words already built in.*Wink* PLUS a new, perfectly fitting recipe.*BigSmile*
Olivia's catching up - Are you cooking or baking for a story again? Can you send the food to my home? I'd give you my address. *Hungry*
Elycia Lee ☮ - Yes, I am, but this time it was a 20 minutes affair. (+ 6 hrs freezing time*Whistle*)
Banner for Shorts in July

It's July, so it's *Fire* hot *Fire* . That makes it a great time for shorts-- *ExclaimO* short stories *ExclaimO*, that is.

The Challenge:
               *Bulleto* pick one of three summer-related *Music2* songs *Music2*
               *Bulleto* *Pencil* Write *Pencil* a story inspired by that song
               *Bulleto* Use three *Genielamp* magic words *Genielamp* in your story

The Rewards:
                *Treasure* Treasure *Treasure*
                *Ribbonb* Accolades *Ribbonb*
                *Scroll* fame *Scroll*
In Writing.Com speak, that's gift points, merit badges, and awardicons.

The songs are Here Comes the Sun by the Beatles, Summer Lovin' from Grease, and Summertime from Porgy and Bess. The magic words are SULTRY, INFERNO, and FERVID.

The words are *Genielamp* magic *Genielamp* because they open the *Dooro* door *Dooro* to the contest and let your story pass through.

The contest runs through the end of July. It promises to be fun and rewarding, so check it out at the "Shorts in July Contest
Banner for Shorts in July

It's July, so it's *Fire* hot *Fire* . That makes it a great time for shorts-- *ExclaimO* short stories *ExclaimO*, that is.

The Challenge:
               *Bulleto* pick one of three summer-related *Music2* songs *Music2*
               *Bulleto* *Pencil* Write *Pencil* a story inspired by that song
               *Bulleto* Use three *Genielamp* magic words *Genielamp* in your story

The Rewards:
                *Treasure* Treasure *Treasure*
                *Ribbonb* Accolades *Ribbonb*
                *Scroll* fame *Scroll*
In Writing.Com speak, that's gift points, merit badges, and awardicons.

The songs are Here Comes the Sun by the Beatles, Summer Lovin' from Grease, and Summertime from Porgy and Bess. The magic words are SULTRY, INFERNO, and FERVID.

The words are *Genielamp* magic *Genielamp* because they open the *Dooro* door *Dooro* to the contest and let your story pass through.

The contest runs through the end of July. It promises to be fun and rewarding, so check it out at the "Shorts in July Contest
*Cakeb* How I spent my day. *Cakeb*
Carrot Cake
Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈 - I need to bookmark your website and give your recipes a try.
Beacon's Light - my latest project is sourdough bread. I started my starter tonight.
I'll take a slice of that! Got my coffee and fork ready!
Banner for Shorts in July

It's July, so it's *Fire* hot *Fire* . That makes it a great time for shorts-- *ExclaimO* short stories *ExclaimO*, that is.

The Challenge:
               *Bulleto* pick one of three summer-related *Music2* songs *Music2*
               *Bulleto* *Pencil* Write *Pencil* a story inspired by that song
               *Bulleto* Use three *Genielamp* magic words *Genielamp* in your story

The Rewards:
                *Treasure* Treasure *Treasure*
                *Ribbonb* Accolades *Ribbonb*
                *Scroll* fame *Scroll*
In Writing.Com speak, that's gift points, merit badges, and awardicons.

The songs are Here Comes the Sun by the Beatles, Summer Lovin' from Grease, and Summertime from Porgy and Bess. The magic words are SULTRY, INFERNO, and FERVID.

The words are *Genielamp* magic *Genielamp* because they open the *Dooro* door *Dooro* to the contest and let your story pass through.

The contest runs through the end of July. It promises to be fun and rewarding, so check it out at the "Shorts in July Contest
  •   1 comment
It's wonderful.
Banner for Shorts in July

It's July, so it's *Fire* hot *Fire* . That makes it a great time for shorts-- *ExclaimO* short stories *ExclaimO*, that is.

The Challenge:
               *Bulleto* pick one of three summer-related *Music2* songs *Music2*
               *Bulleto* *Pencil* Write *Pencil* a story inspired by that song
               *Bulleto* Use three *Genielamp* magic words *Genielamp* in your story

The Rewards:
                *Treasure* Treasure *Treasure*
                *Ribbonb* Accolades *Ribbonb*
                *Scroll* fame *Scroll*
In Writing.Com speak, that's gift points, merit badges, and awardicons.

The songs are Here Comes the Sun by the Beatles, Summer Lovin' from Grease, and Summertime from Porgy and Bess. The magic words are SULTRY, INFERNO, and FERVID.

The words are *Genielamp* magic *Genielamp* because they open the *Dooro* door *Dooro* to the contest and let your story pass through.

The contest runs through the end of July. It promises to be fun and rewarding, so check it out at the "Shorts in July Contest
Banner for Shorts in July

It's July. It's hot. That's a perfect time for shorts. Short stories, that is!

The challenge:
            *Bulleto* Choose one of three summer-related *Music2* songs*Music2*;
            *Bulleto* *Pencil* write *Pencil* a story of at most 2000 words based on that song; and
            *Bulleto* use three *GenieLamp* magic *GenieLamp* words in your story.

The songs are Here Comes the Sun by the Beatles, Summer Lovin' from Grease, and Summertime from Porgy and Bess. The magic words are SULTRY, INFERNO, and FERVID.

*Dooro* The words are *GenieLamp* magic *GenieLamp* because they open the door to the contest and let your story pass through.*Dooro*

The *Delight* best stories *Delight* win *Treasure* treasure *Treasure*, *Ribbonb* accolades *Ribbonb*, and *Audio3* fame *Audio3*. Actually, that's gift points, merit badges, and awardicons because we all dwell in in the land of WDC.

The contest runs through the end of July. It promises to be fun and rewarding, so check it out at the "Shorts in July Contest
Mine's evolving nicely... *BigSmile*

What would you say if I used up not only the Three Magic Words already but also all of the Obscures, too.*Shock2*

Uh, that leads me to the next question in => "Shorts In July Discussion Board.*Wink*
I understand now. It looks very interesting.
Banner for Shorts in July

It's July. It's hot. That's a perfect time for shorts. Short stories, that is!

The challenge:
            *Bulleto* Choose one of three summer-related *Music2* songs*Music2*;
            *Bulleto* *Pencil* write *Pencil* a story of at most 2000 words based on that song; and
            *Bulleto* use three *GenieLamp* magic *GenieLamp* words in your story.

The songs are Here Comes the Sun by the Beatles, Summer Lovin' from Grease, and Summertime from Porgy and Bess. The magic words are SULTRY, INFERNO, and FERVID.

*Dooro* The words are *GenieLamp* magic *GenieLamp* because they open the door to the contest and let your story pass through.*Dooro*

The *Delight* best stories *Delight* win *Treasure* treasure *Treasure*, *Ribbonb* accolades *Ribbonb*, and *Audio3* fame *Audio3*. Actually, that's gift points, merit badges, and awardicons because we all dwell in in the land of WDC.

The contest runs through the end of July. It promises to be fun and rewarding, so check it out at the "Shorts in July Contest
  •   1 comment
I love the title of your contest.
Banner for Shorts in July

It's July. It's hot. That's a perfect time for shorts. Short stories, that is!

The challenge:
            *Bulleto* Choose one of three summer-related *Music2* songs*Music2*;
            *Bulleto* *Pencil* write *Pencil* a story of at most 2000 words based on that song; and
            *Bulleto* use three *GenieLamp* magic *GenieLamp* words in your story.

The songs are Here Comes the Sun by the Beatles, Summer Lovin' from Grease, and Summertime from Porgy and Bess. The magic words are SULTRY, INFERNO, and FERVID.

*Dooro* The words are *GenieLamp* magic *GenieLamp* because they open the door to the contest and let your story pass through.*Dooro*

The *Delight* best stories *Delight* win *Treasure* treasure *Treasure*, *Ribbonb* accolades *Ribbonb*, and *Audio3* fame *Audio3*. Actually, that's gift points, merit badges, and awardicons because we all dwell in in the land of WDC.

The contest runs through the end of July. It promises to be fun and rewarding, so check it out at the "Shorts in July Contest
Olivia's catching up - Should I be worried that you are talking to yourself? I need to read your submission to the Food/Cooking genre challenge. What on earth did you eat? *Laugh*
Elycia Lee ☮ - Nah, just added what I forgot in the first reply. Old brain and jittery fingers*Yawn*, not talking to myself*Shock*... don't do that in public.*Angelic* Rather "talked" to Max Griffin 🏳️‍🌈 , too.*Wink*

(Concerning JTG and what I ate: "21. Hattie's BAK- & Laura's BRAT-lava (sausaged carbs!) (recipe) "Bratlava (story))

Have a nice... uh, evening?*Thinker*

Olivia's catching up - Yeah. It's 5:10pm where I'm at. I'm so behind everything. *Facepalm*
* Content and content ratings in this area are monitored solely by this member. Page owners have the ability to remove posts and/or block posters who do not follow the content rating or who post unwanted content. In addition, each member can block/ignore another member using the Block/Ignore Members" link on the Account Options screen.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/mathguy