Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/maurice1054
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
Hello again,
I came back to read some more of your blog. Your responses to group prompts are like stand alone entries and interesting. I may have written something on one or more of the same prompts as a member of Blog City and Blogging Circle of friends, or not. I may do another review or simply email you with additional thoughts. I hope you have an awesome week.
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
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I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
 That October  (18+)
A family tragedy and the guilt of one left behind.
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
 You Ask Me  (13+)
A short story about a woman dealing with the loss of a young friend

*HeartP* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatR* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *CupcakeV* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatG* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *HeartP*
*BalloonB* *Quill* *Balloonr* Happy WdC Anniversary! *Balloonr* *Quill* *BalloonB*
*HeartG* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatB* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *CupcakeB* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatP* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *HeartG*
*Music2* Happy Account Anniversary *Cake*

*HeartP* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatR* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *CupcakeV* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatG* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *HeartP*
*BalloonB* *Quill* *Balloonr* Happy WdC Anniversary! *Balloonr* *Quill* *BalloonB*
*HeartG* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatB* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *CupcakeB* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatP* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *HeartG*
*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*

*HeartP* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatR* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *CupcakeV* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatG* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *HeartP*
*BalloonB* *Quill* *Balloono* Happy 18th WdC Anniversary, MD Maurice! *Balloono* *Quill* *BalloonB*
*HeartG* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatB* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *CupcakeB* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatP* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *HeartG*
Happy 16th WDC Anniversary!!!

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Joyful 15th Anniversary and many more to come!
  •   1 comment
thank you so much! 15th years! Even I was surprised by that one!
I've added a new entry to my book, "Down the Rabbit Hole:
         "Seaworld Revisited
Congrats on your blogger of the week nod.
Copenator out!
B.C.O.Frs united!
Congrats on the Blogger of the Week nod.
B.C.O.Frs united!
It's here! *Bat1* *Bat1*
Horroraddicts.net latest anthology, Once Upon a Scream - featuring one of my own stories, Lake Tividen.*BigSmile*

Cover art for Horroraddicts.net newest anthology

I'm extremely proud to be included in this fantastic collection! Available on on Amazon at and coming to Kindle soon! http://amzn.com/1530529514

Visit me at www.mdmaurice.com
Congratulations on having your story published!
Thank you!
I've added a new entry to my book, "Down the Rabbit Hole:
         "Imagination and the Constant Storyteller
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/maurice1054