Added a new entry to my "Summon of Love" Semi-Notebook pad Book, Which is very personal. Hope someone get's there to read and comment On it. Tears can be shed if truly understood, Bur i will not hold it against you if melancholy speaks the heart to beats.
It is the presently 1st Chapter Which ran over the entry order. STILL need help switching Book Chapter Entry Order if Possible; Thanks |
Is there any chance to switch the assigment on a book - entry - chapter to have chapter 1 as the prior entry When written; rather then be latter one? It took the latter entry as the first, and left the latter to be as the 2nd entry... Blog format?.. anybody know how to fix that??? Pls help for some assistence. Thanks.. |
Posted a new poem, Wonder how many get assigned to it; seen it's controversial nature. But i hope somebody will read it and comment. In anyways; Just wanted to post mention of it. Thanks.
I like to appreciate the charitable anonymous Who upgrade my membership to the next degree of service, of which i yet have to got an idea of what it means to my performance and residence upon this platform. In somewhat it seems to elevate me in the privileges to associate certain things in the written content; but as i have high struggles to write my personal things without rending high emotion on this platform.. it is yet to convey itself over into service of which i'm duly greatful for to this very kind gesture of a servantly knight or fair lady of charity... Please be commended that you are dear to the house of the mere and steer into the hall of tall; Presented to all Who walked the plank of giving other's a hand and granting them such dear due sense, of upgraded elevance... Thank you for your Kind gesture... W/ Love and Care M. |
Congratulations, Minart Yul'Oun! Apparently, you are spending a fair amount of time here and someone thinks you are worthy of keeping around. ![]() There are a number of benefits of having the upgraded membership. Notice your handle is now in bold above. ![]() You can now add a LOT more items to your port. You have 3 (unless you have some hidden) and can only have 10 with a free membership. But with an Upgraded membership, you can 250, so no worries about not being able to write when you feel inspired. ![]() You can also host a book now. That is just an item with different entries/pages. Most folks use theirs either to house poetry or their blog. It helps save room in your port. ![]() ![]() You get 5 pages in your Notepad instead of just 1. (The Notepad is a private place to take notes. Your Notebook is more public.) I use my Notepad to take notes about things I learn here about writing, to copy ML code I have trouble remembering, making lists of things, etc. As usual, I ran out of room. lol To be continued... |
In your port, you create folders to organize your items by genre, date, style, or however else you want to. It's not a problem now, but when you get 15-20 items written, people will appreciate folders. All your poems in 1 folder or all your romance stories in a folder or whatever. You can now socialize in Scroll if you want. Click Messenger and a popup will appear. You will see at the bottom there is a place you can post comments. If you see white blocks, in the Scrolling Messages part, that's people talking. Green, blue, or reddish/pinkish/orangish (not sure of that color lol), those are games the system puts for people to play to earn GPs (gift points), but only 3 people can win GPs. Note that anyone with Scroll open can see what you are saying. lol If you don't see anyone posting, post a greeting. Sometimes people just aren't socializing, but they will chat if they see you want to. Other times, none of the chatty folks are around and it's just lurkers. lol Anyway, there's a lot of benefits to having an Upgraded membership, so congratulations! There are a lot more benefits, but these are the best ones for a newbie, IMO. ![]() I'll show you an example of 2 items of mine--1 with a cover and 1 without, so you can see what I mean. Here's a poem I wrote (located in my poetry folder--you can have one of those now as well lol). The image is just the generic WdC image all static items get if they don't have a cover.
Now, here's the link to my contest. I added a cover image to it.
Someone also added a ribbon--actually, 4 people have added awards, but the yellow face shrugging is the image I chose. You can use WdC images if you don't have any or you can use your own. ![]() BTW, my contest pays everyone who enters. This month we are paying 10,000 GPs (gift points--the WdC version of money) for each entry and you can enter 3 times this month. If you want to start saving up for your next Upgraded membership, my contest doesn't run every month, but it is a great way to earn some GPs. Of course, winning entries get even more GPs. ![]() Anyway, I hope this helps! Welcome to WdC! If you want to keep up with me, click my Plus Sign twice until you see the megaphone. You'll start seeing my notes on your Newsfeed and I'll appear on your list of fans so you can find me. If you want to become a fan of my contest so you can find it, you have to click the Plus on the contest page, not the link above. ![]() Schnujo's Giving Away GPs ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() You can post it on your newsfeed and at "The Shameless "Plug" Page" ![]() |
Wrote my first piece, and sit idly here contemplating how to get others to read it if perchance it is worth anything. Hope everyone is having a good day & cheers, While the world is having it's politics. Take care of yourselves and browse by the portfolio. Thanks for your Replies! |
Welcome to this community of like souls. Actually they’re very unlike souls, but we all have a common purpose; to learn how to communicate pictures and movies with the written word. There are many very helpful people who will answer any questions you may have. Enjoy your time here. Stay safe, healthy and enjoy life, it’s still a great place to hang out. Paul 🌻❤️✍🏻🐸🙏🏼 |
Welcome! I'm on my phone so I can't be too much help regarding how to get eyes on your item, but there are a few places. I think you can find them all through links on the left side of your computer screen. There's Shameless Plug and Please Review...if you actually want a review. ![]() Just like real life authors, it's important for WdC authors to have fans if they want to be seen and noticed on WdC. I'm on my phone, so I don't want to type everything, but Nobody’s Home, would you mind explaining about the difference between the Personal Newsfeed and the Community Newsfeed and how to get fans? Thanks! (No pressure, but this is also a test to see how much you understand. Hahaha! Teasing!) |
Schnujo's Giving Away GPs ![]() ![]() Favorites & Fans: If you see a post you like and want to "follow" that writer, click on the little plus sign next to their name, the plus sign turns into a finger with a piece of string tied around it, and they are added to your personal favorites list. Click the finger with string, and it turns into a megaphone. This makes you a fan of that writer. Generally, if you're going to favorite someone, you should click twice and become their fan so that they know you've become their fan. Favorites won't know you're following them, but if you become a fan of someone, they get a notification. Many writers will become a fan of you when they receive that notification, so it's a nice way to add to your own fan base (and expose your writing to more people). There are also lots of writers on WDC that like to reward their fans with free goodies (such as Gift Points (GPs) and Merit Badges (MBs). Schnujo's Giving Away GPs ![]() The Community Newsfeed: Your Personal Newsfeed will only show you posts made by your favorites, while the Community Newsfeed will show you posts made by everyone on WdC. It's a great idea to hang out on the Community Newsfeed because you'll meet new people and won't be limited to seeing only what your favorites post. You can get to the Community Newsfeed by clicking the Community tab in the left side-menu, then clicking the Newsfeed link at the top of the pop-up list. There's always something fun happening. Join us! I hope that's clear! Questions? Ask anytime! Cheers! BA |
BTW, Minart Yul'Oun, these are instruction about you Notebook. You Notepad is private and works differently.