Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/mistyparks35
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Been struggling with my mental health here lately so I am trying to figure out what topics I can write about so that way I can keep my mind busy. If anyone has any suggestions i would gladly like to hear them.
Hi Misty– sorry you're going through a some difficult times. Know that you're not alone.

When you ask about topics to write about to occupy your mind, are you looking for story prompts general themes?

(There's also a prompt generator on WdC that you can reach by selecting Writing.Com from the bottom of the left menu, then scroll to Story Prompts.)
It can be anything. I am just trying to keep my mind busy
You seem to be already a blogger about your daily life. If you set up a blog (book item) you can fill up to 725 entries in one blog. Read On blogs  Open in new Window. and How to create a new book  Open in new Window. to find more information.

Or go to Create New Item >> Book>> Create new Book. Success!
Writing comes from the heart and soul I believe. I find that the most creative people are the ones that struggle in everyday life. Via mental health, physical health and much more. I love to see what people have to offer through their words and their wisdom. I believe that everyone can learn a thing or two from others if we only lend an ear to listen to what they have to say. I am very open to what anyone has to say because I have been through a lot in my life. The most important thing is that we all know or should know that we have mishaps in life and we live and learn from them. The best stories are the ones that we grow from and create for our future. I just want to tell everyone to keep writing and sharing what they share because we can all learn from each other. Don't ever be afraid to step out your box and try something new. Keep up the good work everyone.
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I have read a few of your writings and they grow on me. Welcome to Writing.com and keep on writing and blogging about your life. *Heart*
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Positive self-talk is the best way to destress yourself and make you feel a lot better about who you are and trust me it isn't easy, but I do it.
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Voices and visions that no one can hear or see and the struggles with living with it.
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Just sharing with people who suffer from the same disorder that I have. Remember you aren't alone in this world and always reach out to loved one if you feel unsafe with your self
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I want to read your word art and learn more about this challenging situation, thanks for posting.
I've added a new item to my portfolio:
 Haunted Memories Open in new Window. (13+)
remembering the time when i was younger and being horrified

Just remembering the times when i was younger and things that helped a little with my mental health
I've added a new item to my portfolio:
 Faint Voices Open in new Window. (E)
listening to your thoughts

always listen to the positive and ignore the negative
I've added a new item to my portfolio:
 The Lonely  Open in new Window. (E)
Being lonely or having the feel of loneliness
This is about how some people go through life not feeling like they are connected to others and feel alone and the possible outcomes of it. i hope you enjoy and feed back is welcomed

Here are some things to check out to help you get acclimated:
"Writing.Com 101Open in new Window.
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Everyone here is very helpful, so feel free to ask questions, anytime!
*Heartp* *Coffeev* Kindest Regards, Lilli *Coffeev* *Heartp*

Happy 4th of July everyone
Please feel free to give feed back and let me know what you think. i try to do my best to make other readers exsperiance good when reading my writings. i like to get feed back on what people think about my writings and maybe ways i can improve. all my writings are through the exsperinces that i have encountered in life and when i write i try to make it so people dont feel so alone when they are going through a rough time in life.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/mistyparks35