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Happy birthday!
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Thank you.
Happy Birthday!
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Enjoy your special day!!! *Party*

  •   1 comment
Thank you.
Happy birthday 🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰🎂🍰
  •   1 comment
Thank you.
*Tulipy* *Tulipv* *Bee* *Tulipv* *Tulipy* *Tulipv* *Tulipy* *Tulipv*
*Tulipy* *Tulipv* *Hearty* *Tulipv* Happy Birthday!!! *Butterfly2y* *Tulipv* *Tulipy* *Tulipv*
*Frog* *Tulipv* *Tulipy* *Tulipv* *Bee* *Tulipv* *Tulipy* *Tulipv*
  •   1 comment
Thank you.

*HeartP* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatR* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *CupcakeV* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatG* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *HeartP*
*BalloonB* *Quill* *Music1* Happy Birthday To You! *Music2* *Quill* *BalloonB*
*HeartG* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatB* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *CupcakeB* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatP* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *HeartG*
  •   1 comment
Thank you.
Thanks Lyn's a Witchy Woman for the lovely badge and for thinking of me. It's a great pick-me-up.
I thank Lyn as well for my Badge for GOT.
Me 3!! *Heartv*
Three more little days of Game of Thrones

You can do it!
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The end is nigh.
Hi Sly Fox, just wanted to say, we're almost there!
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We can almost taste it.
We are almost there. Good things to come. *Heartv*
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Yes, we're so close... where has April gone?
You Can Do It

Only a few more days to go, fellow GoT-er! We are heading down the homestretch!
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I'm sure it will feel as if we've survived a grueling marathon. I may crawl, or stumble over that finish line, but I will pass over it.
We're almost done!

I believe in you!

*Strong*You can do this! *Strong*

Yes, I'm getting points for encouraging "the enemy"? *Sly* *Angelic* *Bigsmile*
         Have you ever considered raising a dragon of your own? How do you access the rooftop of where you reside? What do you do when you need to start a campfire? Do you hate flying coach, or economy? Perhaps you could use the ultimate in personal protection. Forget catering to a mewling cat, or a whimpering dog. To impress people you need a bonafide dragon.
         Do not fret. GERVIC🐉 has produced and nurtured a plethora of lovely dragons. He has taken care of the vetting and the pre-selection. All dragons are guaranteed to be shiny and new, straight from the egg. You do the training and supervise the growth. you will not be disappointed. The dragons are wondrous to behold.
         Come kick the tires as it were at
WDC Dragon Vale  (E)
Tame, Grow, and Adopt a Dragon for delightful rewards.
#2312577 by GERVIC🐉
*Dragon* *Dragon2* *DragonHead*
         Just tell him a sly fox sent you. *Fox*
I just got my first dragon egg. I'm going to raise my dragon around my Chihuahuas so it will be especially fierce.
🌞GeminiGem 🌻 - Or the innocent chihuahuas will be dragon fodder... I do hope not. They will probably keep that young dragon cowered.
SandraLynn Team Florent! - If you raise them together then they learn from each other. Chihuahuas can be fierce little stinkers!

The Perfect Princess
So, I am tasked with electing, ( is royalty pseudo or otherwise elected?), make that selecting appointing anointing, crowning a GoT princess. This is not arbitrary at all. Should I employ the standard eeney-meeny-miney-mo method? Perhaps there is a princess protocol. Is there a committee ? Is there an imbedded sword in a stone that requires pulling? Does the worthy candidate need to pucker up with a frog?
Hmmm, I believe I should consider an ally, supported causes, good cheer, commonality and all that. In other words good ol' quid pro quo, tit for tat ulterior motives play a deciding role.
Drum roll inserted here and a bugle fanfare...I choose 🌞GeminiGem 🌻 to ascend the GoT throne and graciously, begrudgingly, resignedly accept this illustrious , bogus genuine opportunity.
All hail Princess Geminigem!! Genuflect. Cheer. Visit her in court, although when it will be in session is, of course, up to her eminence.
Geminis, and I have personal verification, are known to be intelligent, chatty ( not catty ), vivacious, creative, all round wonderful persons. Perfect princess material, n'est-ce-pas? We fools writer-warriors may expect both encouragement and royal protection. She will no doubtedly rock the position with her wise and insightful judgements, bequests. Heads should not roll. I for one anticipate drooling savouring the cake she will order suggest we all eat.(217 words)

         🌞GeminiGem 🌻 ye of wisdom boundless, mighty
Fleet of witty word repartee not deemed flighty.
Counsel us your tongue-tied , addled minions humble.
Lead us quicksilver word craft folk, grumble, mumble
Into the new dawn of epic wordplay battle.
Quell our frets/doubts, incite, promote the curious.
We in turn will oust, joust and scorn the spurious. ( 7 lines, 56 words)
          House Florent Image for G.o.T.
The Iron Bank of Braavos  (13+)
For G.o.T. Activity
#1994693 by Gaby ~ Way behind!
"Game of Thrones          
          Hear ye, hear ye WDCers! Please cheer, whoop and holler , clap, bang the drums for Princess 🌞GeminiGem 🌻 . If she graces us with her presence there may be at least a royal wave sent your way. Consider this the WDC version of a parade. Picture the jugglers and acrobats. Hear the fanfare.
  •   1 comment
Oh my, I'm a princess? For real? People are genuflecting and everything?

I could get used to this.
House Florent Image for G.o.T.
The Iron Bank of Braavos  (13+)
For G.o.T. Activity
#1994693 by Gaby ~ Way behind!
"Game of Thrones
Here is some great writing that I discovered and recommend.
🌕 HuntersMoon
For Whom The Trolls Bell  (E)
... with apologies to Mr. Hemingway. A Daily Flash Fiction Winner
#1943105 by 🌕 HuntersMoon
Coming Home  (13+)
“They say time changes all things,” Lisa murmured. A Daily Flash Fiction HM
#2085852 by 🌕 HuntersMoon
Dan I Am
 First Dates  (ASR)
A man's description of a date that doesn't go as expected.
#2311377 by Dan I Am
 The Whispering Willow  (E)
Once upon a time, nestled between rolling hills, there stood an ancient willow tree.
#2317678 by WriterRick
The Stroll  (ASR)
Even for Soul collectors, a mother's love is eternal!
#1928894 by Ẃeβ࿚ẂỉԎḈĥ
Patata Aterrdora en NM
Mall Misadventure  (ASR)
Marcy is in over her head when she volunteers to watch two kids.
#2318073 by Patata Aterrdora en NM
Wow! Thank you for the plug of my story! *Delight*
Ẃeβ࿚ẂỉԎḈĥ - and because she did, I did a review on your story! Double win!
Thanks for tagging my story*BigSmile*
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/nannamom