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Just wrote up a character with an invisible disability, going to begin work on the story when I get around to it. I just have no idea how to incorporate his struggles with his disability and other challenges while keeping it exciting and not boring the reader to sleep. I usually can't read a non-action story unless it's a good one or I get bored. Do people enjoy reading stories with equal amounts of dialogue and action? Or would that be too boring? *Confused*
  •   1 comment
Every story starts with the Introduction of your characters, setting etc. and where you establish the MC's wants/needs/desires something that the person will stop at nothing to achieve. Rising Action is when you come the obstacles/Conflicts that try to prevent your MC from achieving his goals/wants/needs/desires. When it looks like there is no possible way he will achieve them it is time for the Climax which is the big conflict, then Falling Action which is the outcome (win, loose, compromise) then the denouement tying up all loose ends for your Resolution/Ending.

It is the same format for a short story, novella or novel the only thing that changes is the number of pages you have to work with *Wink* 50% dialogue is too much for most stories. You can show your MC's character including invisible disabilities via his actions and thoughts not just conversation. Hope this helps. Good luck with it!
Apparently I am too smart and whenever I talk in depth with most people I confuse them. Possible?
  •   1 comment
Possible. Don't let that discourage you, though. There are some people who do enjoy a good intelligent conversation from time to time.
Is it bad that it's taken me all this time to realize the site's "slogan" of Write On! is word play of Right On!
  •   1 comment
It can't be too bad, because I didn't realize that until I read your post!
I love the smell of snowdays in the morning.
Going to go see a court case with my law class today, can't wait to add "court" onto the list of places I have fallen asleep at. *Worry*
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I fell asleep in it, lol. I am so pro at falling asleep that I fell asleep with my head up, the teacher sitting next to me didn't even notice I was asleep. Maybe narcolepsy does have some benefits, XD.
Just learned today that I am apparently an Introvert. I feel so much better now that I can explain why I act the way I do.
I am very much an introvert too. I am much more comfortable with online groups and classes than I am with being with people in person unless it is family or a couple friends. I try to convince myself to get out of my comfort zone, but comfort zones are so nice and... comfortable. I think that's why writing appeals to me. I can express myself a way that doesn't involve going out and socializing. I'm lucky to have a family who understands that this is who I am.
It is always great to know why you react the way you do. It helps you grow. I know that I am a total test junkie when it comes to anything personality-related. *Wink* Introverts are awesome... they have so much to contribute but are not the first to offer up the goods. My husband is introverted, and it is an amazing quality. I'm a 100% extrovert myself... it has its merits, but I do wish that I wasn't quite so 'out there' sometimes. *Laugh*
I agree with Michael Stirland Online groups and close friends are where I draw the line with social situations. I probably have chronic shyness or something because I hate going out and talking with large groups of people. Count me out for a party unless it's small and I know at least half the people. *Bigsmile*
So I just made my account for this site last night, and I was wondering if their is anything important I should know? For instance, what everyone is talking about, or what the newest "thing" is around here.
welcome! *Smile*
taliah_l No kidding! I'm still about 14k short of the goal right now, thanks to a nasty flu hitting my house and visiting relatives. *Facepalm*

Rest assured Adrik Nikolaev , things will be back to normal soon. *Laugh* Welcome to WDC!
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/nate657