Happy Birthday, my dearest Nazreen . You are still not checking in here but that's okay. I know enough that you're an awesome writer. |
You are still not checking here, eh? I'm just so happy for you. Welcome to the Mama world, Nazreen and CONGRATS!!!!!! |
Hey! Welcome to WDC! If you need help with anything, just ask...most of us are pretty friendly and helpful. And you're friends with Elycia Lee ☮ Happy 2025! , so I probably shouldn't feel too bad about offering to help you out . |
Hey, what do you mean 'I probably shouldn't feel too bad'? Why would you feel bad? |
"A Letter to a Newbie" Elycia Lee ☮ Happy 2025! wanted me to send you this. We newsletter editors love to have people read our newsletters. We never pass up a chance to flaunt them. |
Hallo Nazreen! Welcome to Writing.Com! I guess now you can see what sort of hijinks Elycia Lee ☮ Happy 2025! gets up to, online. And don't worry, we're all very nice people. And yes, I'm emphasizing on the "very". |
That's what they all say, Elycia Lee ☮ Happy 2025! ! Also, you may've noticed, Nazreen, I promote the liberal use of emoticons. |
Yeah, yeah, I vouch for both of you *sniggers*. Both of you are very good. Really, really. Ha ha ha ha!! I do love both of you. And now, Nazreen, too. |
I think she's going to be so shocked that we actually type out our own emoticons, Dragon. Thank you, THANKFUL SONALI Love my family . You almost sound convincing. |
Hey, Nazreen ! Happy WDC Birthday to you! Yep! The day you join is your WDC Birthday. I'm so happy you're finally here. |