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Happy 8th anniversary for (ahem) yesterday!!!
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*Balloong* Happy 8th Anniversary! *Salute*
Here's to many more fun and fulfilling years ! Keep shining! *Star*
I am so late, but hope you had a great birthday on the 11th!!!!!

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Thanks a lot for the wishes, dear. Travelled to my hometown. Relaxed, didi nothing :D
Happy WDC anniversary!!

Hope you have a great day!

Unfortunately, was really caught up in life for the last month or so. Much better now. Thanks for the wishes :)
I understand, we all have those times. I'm glad to hear you are doing better. You're welcome and have a great day! *Smile*
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*Balloonb* Happy 7th WDC Anniversary wishes! *Delight**Wand* May yo have many more fullfilling and fun years here! *Starstruck*
People, I need a little help...*Music1*

The thing is that I absolutely adore Coldplay band. I love their song to bits, and I have devoured all of there songs be it the live version, Unplugged version or the real version.

Now, the problem is I need recommendation of a band which is similar in soul to them. I liked Imagine Dragons, Lifehouse to a certain extent but not much apart from them?

Any recommendations?
Fi  Author Icon
Yes! They're one of my all-time favourites. Chasing Cars... *Inlove* Crack The Shutters, What If This Storm Ends?, Chocolate, Grazed Knees, New York, Run
I don't follow or listen to all the songs by Coke Studio but here are the ones I know

Atif Aslam - Tajdar-e-Haram
There's also Tajdar-e-Haram version by Sabri.
Will listen for sure. I like Atif Aslam!
How apt that I am reading a story titled "The Empty House", on this day after the GOT! *Facepalm* *Laugh*
Oi, it has been so long! Aap kese hain? *Bigsmile*
Sab khairiyat se hai *Heart*
How was GOT this time, dear? I seriously missed the fun of interactive...
Bohat khushi hoi ye sun kar, bhabhi and child kese hain? *Heart* *Bigsmile*

It was nice, different from last time but for me, the last one was more fun than this year's, I missed the interactives and how we made up stories, putting up chapters one after the other! *Bigsmile* You were awesome!
Hey People. First of all a big big thanks for the lovely wishes on my birthday. I really missed this place a lot. But I kind of had to since I was blessed with a little Night-Sleep Dacoit, this 8th March. Mother and child are doing fantastic :)
That's awesome Kanish! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Elle  Author Icon
Aw, congratulations! *Delight*
Congratulations!!!!!!! That's awesome news, and glad to hear that everyone is doing well *BigSmile*
Damn it, my math skills *Cry* Please somebody get me out of this damp, smelly dungeon. God, I want a bone so bad that I am turning into a dog. Or was I always a Dog. Quick get a bone for me "LUCKY BONES GAME 2022Open in new Window.
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Aw, you are such a sweet*Heart*
GOT was so mean - it left me stranded at 298 reviews.Huh *Laugh*
Gaby  Author Icon
*Laugh* should I worry?
Naah..I will not sue anybody *Laugh*
Gaby  Author Icon
Disaster averted. *Laugh*
I need some book recommendation, folks.

I am looking for something in the humor genre and another in Mystery genre.

Plus, any sci-fi lovers out there. Any good sci-fi movie like say Interstellar?

My fingers need rest after G.O.T. but my mind wants more...*Laugh*
One of my all time favorite humor books is "Let's Pretend This Never Happened" by The Bloggess. I love her blog and the book was essentially the backstory for how it began. I laughed so hard the whole way through.
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There is a popular Florida writer named Tim Dorsey. He's written about 15 books, I've read most of them, and I've never laughed so hard.
MontyB Author Icon never heard about her. Will scan the net.

Bikerider Author Icon I wonder why this name sounds familiar..Probably I have had someone recommending him before too.

I am sooo looking forward to shortlisting my new book. Thank god June is only 30 day long! *Laugh*
Smiley needs another laugh!
"Note: ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** Smiley ..."
Man, WdC drives me nuts sometimes as it did last night. As I drifted into the dreams, I wondered what if WdC wasn't there tomorrow when I wake up - * PooF, just like that.. What would I do without the WdC world!
Phew. Scary...
Shall we send a petition signed by all of us to Story master, Story mistress and Jack to keep this site going for ever *Laugh* That will soothe my nerves, maybe!
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OMG! Bite your tongue a thousand times for suggesting such debachery!
Hey , you let me off lightly. But what to do with those darkest of thoughts in the nastiest corners of my brain. It must have popped from there *Blush* *Facepalm*
Cinn  Author Icon
Congrats on winning NaNo! *Thumbsup*
Thanks dear :) It was fun, well majorly *Laugh* The loose ends are many and it could barely be called a novel but yes, I did try my best :)
Cinn  Author Icon
That's all that matters! *Smile*
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/nishank