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It's Friday at the little library!

I know I haven't been around much. I've just been quiet all around. Not much going on.

I did wake up this morning with either a summer cold or the beginnings of bronchitis. Coughing in my chest, achy, just yuck. At least I have 3 days off to rest and recover.

Gracie has been on a tear the past few weeks. She's rowdy and getting into things. I think it's the changing of the seasons. It was cooler for a week or two, now it's near 100, then cooler next week.

Y'all have a gorgeous day and weekend!

*Hug1**Smile**Hug2* from me and Gracie! *Paw*
Hope you recover quickly. Hi to Gracie!
Get well Nikola. Perhaps Gracie is sensing that you aren't yourself lately.Hi to her.
Happy Tuesday and Happy Birthday WDC!!!!!

It's a rainy, cool day and I'm loving it! The lady that they hired over the summer is no longer at the library. It's quiet.

Tonight is the first home game for volleyball! I'm excited! Our girls are doing great so far this season. Can't wait to see them play!

Enjoy the day!
  •   1 comment
Volleyball was an autumn sport where I grew up. *Smile* I know you have followed them for years; so, enjoy the new season.
Happy Friday Eve from the little library!

It's been a quiet week here and I love it! This weekend is going to be cooler and rainy. I'm so ready!

I tend to nest when it gets cooler. I want to cook mostly. I'm making beans and cornbread this weekend! Yummy!

Gracie is good. She senses the change in the season coming and has been wound up. My goofy girl!

Y'all have a gorgeous day!

*Hug1**Smile**Hug2* from me and Gracie *Paw*
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It was 60 degrees yesterday, 40s overnight. A nice cool break from storms, smoke and heat. Summer returns for a week or two, and then...
Happy Wednesday from the little library!

I'm feeling much better though a bit dizzy in the mornings. Yay!

So the other library position is a no-go. The city decided to change their hours, cut a day, and no new hires. City budget cuts most likely. That's why the little library is a non-profit and not associated with the city. Libraries are the first to be cut and that's a shame.
I'll continue to look. That just wasn't where God wanted me. He has something better in mind.
I did tell the board president here that I'd be willing to stay. The board doesn't do anything to raise money so they don't have the funds to pay me. Their loss.

Gracie is still her goofy self. While she is settling down some, she still has her moments. She lays her 50+ pound self on top of me while I watch TV and puts her face in the fan. Silly dog!
We had a lunch date on Monday and will have another this weekend. She loves to ride so we go to a drive thru, get something to eat and drink, park in the parking lot and eat and watch the world go by. She loves it!

I haven't written much in a long time. However, the library where I'm not getting hired has begun a poetry night once per month. This would be a great opportunity to find my inspiration and meet some new folks!

Have a gorgeous day y'all!

*Hug1**Smile**Hug2* from me and Gracie! *Paw*
Happy Friday Eve from the little library!

It's been a week y'all!

I went to the emergency room Monday morning. I couldn't draw a deep breath. Well, I had fluid on both lungs and dangerously high blood pressure! *Shock2* I was admitted overnight to get things back in check. It was a scary several hours but I'm better now. I've been a little light-headed in the mornings but it straightens out once I eat something. Blood sugar? Perhaps. I think a combo of that and my body adjusting to new medications. The doctor thinks the migraines were caused by the high blood pressure. I tend to agree.
I'm grateful for the people in my life, both locally and virtually. God blessed me with some good ones!*HeartRate1*

Poor Gracie didn't know what was going on, just that Mama left in a hurry. She, and I, were grateful to have me back home. She'll be 7 months old next week and she is settling down more and more. My goofy 50+ pound baby likes to lay across me when I watch TV. It's kind of warm in the little house right now, but that will feel wonderful come colder weather! I love that dog!

Y'all have a gorgeous day!

Hug your pets and tell your loved ones that you love them! I love y'all!

*Hug1**Smile**Hug2* from me and Gracie *Paw*
I had headaches that I didn't even think to associate with high BP. The medical practice I attend pulled me in for a check. I was 150/105 and was put on medication that same day. As my BP went down, the headaches diminished as well. Hopefully you'll see the same benefit, though it does take a couple of weeks for the BP meds to really kick in.
Oh, please take care of yourself! even though, we now, live on average, four to five times longer than the 60 billion humans who came before us in these last 2000 years. This accomplishment is only about two hundred years old.

I will offer that the scientists who study this, claim the number one reason for our improved longevity is our learning to not crap where we eat, and washing our hands. I would have thought it was new and modern medicines, but according to their studies, frequent washing of hands alone has doubled the life expectancy of dozens of what we call third-world countries.

We all love our pets, but one should check out how many germs they share with us, many picked up from the outside world and simply carried in on their fur.

Wash up after loving on your furry, and maybe use a soft blanket between you and your pet when she feels like snuggling. My sister-in-law was always complaining about colds and sinus issues until her Jack Russell passed last year. So far, this year she has only suffered one episode of sniffles.

With all the rain, what if your breathing issues were a reaction to mold spores picked up from your yard by a loving friend? Note: I am not claiming, I know anything, about anything. However, I do believe in using observations to my advantage. Just saying ... how much does it cost us to test any off-the-wall idea?
Happy Wednesday from the little library!

Tomorrow is the last day of summer reading! Yippy!!!!! I started organizing the kid's room last week between patrons and migraines. It's a mess! And this is only the fiction area. The nonfiction is worse.
Things are afoot here. I'll update y'all as I know more.

As for the other library position, they will begin interviews next week. Of the many applications/resumes they received, there are 2 librarians and several teachers. I know I made the interview cut. It will probably go quickly from there. At least it did with my former supervisor.

It's hotter than fried hell here. We are under a heat advisory until 9 tomorrow evening. My little a/c at the house isn't keeping up and it's very warm in there! Gracie doesn't like the heat any better than I do. We'll be fine. Lots of water and laying in front of several fans. These are the hottest temps, so far, this summer. I really hope we've peaked.

Y'all have a wondermous day!

*Hug1**Smile**Hug2* from me and Gracie *Paw*
  •   1 comment
We had rain on and off for a couple days. That really helped with the heat and the dust.

Have fun cleaning and picking up.
Happy Friday Eve from the little library!

It's been a crazy, busy week. It's the last week (thankfully) of summer reading. However, there are a few more programs. Next Tuesday, we have raptors coming! *Bird* It will be an hour earlier than we open so I'm coming early to see them.
Then we have a science truck and the wrap up party. Whew!

I did apply for the position at the other library. I'm praying hard for that one! It's 8 fewer hours and $5-9 more per hour. I would love that. More time for Gracie!

This Sunday is my sis's birthday so I'm taking a day trip. We're going to see Twisters! and out for lunch.

Have a terrific Thursday y'all!

*Hug1**Smile**Hug2* from me and Gracie*Paw*
Good luck Nikola with the other library job. It sounds perfect for you and Gracie. *Paw*
A Tex-homan seeing "Twisters"... *Bigsmile*

We had a storm last night. 109 mph. Huge trees down. Power out for over 8 hours where I live. God's Waiting Room was closed today so no lunch... I'm eating an asiago bagel at the café.

I mostly missed the storm because I had a 9 pm. deadline here at WdC. Power went out around 8:55.
Happy Saturday from my dog sitting gig!

It's another hazy day. I don't mind the shade but the dust is not allergy friendly.

Today will be a lazy one. I'm now in the process of taking my things back to my place after 11 days here. I'll be glad to be back home with Gracie full time. I plan to take her out for a pup cup tomorrow. *Smile*

Still no sign of wildlife at the other gig. It may be the unfamiliar sight of me and my vehicle. It may be the timing.

Guess what? The other library gig is now listed! I filled out all I could online and have it saved so I can print it out on Tuesday, finish it, and fax it. Fingers crossed! As far as the description and the requirements, I check every box. Not to mention my former supervisor at my present job works there. It's less hours and more pay. It's an ideal fit. I can spend more time with Gracie and still pet sit on the side.

Ya'll have a super Saturday!

*Hug1**Smile**Hug2* from me and Gracie*Paw*
Happy Wednesday from my dog sitting gig!

The Saharan Dust has settled over north Texas. Everything is an orange haze. Scratchy eyes and sneezing seems to be the order of the day. We may get some rain tonight with cooler temps and more rain coming. That makes me a happy girl! *BigSmile*

I picked up another pet gig. This one will be cool! The wife told me just an outside cat, that her husband would tell me more. And he did. Not only the cat but a 3-legged raccoon, some more racoons, opossum, wild birds, and deer! It's just putting food out and making sure everyone has water. I'm excited about this! They'll be gone 2 weeks. He said if I'm okay with this that they will need me again soon. Well, yeah!
These folks used to live across the street from my family. really great people.

Just received a text from my former library director. Her new library will have a part time opening in a few weeks. Hmmm...

Y'all have a gorgeous day!

*Hug1**Smile**Hug2* from me and Gracie! *Paw*
KÃ¥re Enga in Montana - Only once have I ever ventured into a casino. It was in America, and I was sure when I experienced it that hell would be just like that. I think it was the noise, which could have been accurately described as a cacophony that I particularly disliked.
Adherennium Dr of Phoolishness - Our casino is a mini-burger, more like a sports bar with slot machines. Not extremely noisy. Noisy = BINGO or pinochle in God's Waiting Room or Thursday Night in the park.

I avoid loud noisy places.
Adherennium Dr of Phoolishness - If I can get some. I have to relearn how to get photos on WDC. *Smile*
Happy Tuesday from my dog sitting gig!

Yes! My laptop is here!

Y'all, yesterday was a Monday! First, I go for a checkup. While having bloodwork done, the needle came off in my arm! *Shock2* She said that she'd never had that happen in all her years.

The highlight of the day happened when I went to see the former director at my library at the library where she now works. I had so much spinning around in my brain that I stubbed the toe of my rubber shoe on the curb and went flying headlong to the sidewalk. Graceful, I'm not!
I'm scraped up and hurt all over but it could have been worse. She can't say I don't make an entrance!

Today was extremely stressful. Our magician was sick and didn't show. He had sent an email last Friday but it wasn't seen until 10 this morning, you know, uh, when he was supposed to be there. We had some disappointed kids.

Tomorrow will be a shiny new day!

*Hug1**Smile**Hug2* from me and Gracie *Paw*

It's Friday Eve at the little library!

Oh my, y'all...yesterday evening. I took care of Gracie then headed to my sitting gig. We've always done the key *KeyC* situation one way then it switched up this time. It was supposed to be on the gate rail by the door. Supposed to be. No key*Key2* . I called the lady's grandmother. She sent a pic, no key.*Key* Windows are closed tight, no entry. Little dog is going crazy inside.*Dog1* So...a locksmith was called and grandfather came out as well. Locksmith shows at 7:30. Easy peasy, right? Wrong. The smith tried everything and either didn't know what he was doing or was gouging the folks for more money. (I'm suspicious) After an hour and a half, he finally had to drill out the locks and replace them.
It was nearly dark by the time I got inside to tend to the dogs. Poor babies. Me too. I hadn't eaten since lunch, was thirsty, and had gotten too hot.
She left no water (tap isn't fit to drink) and no food.
I tended to the dogs, had to win the little one over again, and got into bed around 10:30.
I had leg cramps all night so not much sleep there.

Even with all the crazy events, I'm blessed.

I ordered (finally) a laptop. It will be in on Tuesday. It'll be nice to get on here on days when I'm not working. *Smile*

Have a wonderful evening y'all!

*Hug1**Smile**Hug2* from me and Gracie *Paw*
  •   1 comment
That's horrible! How could they forget to leave the key with those little ones inside? I'm glad everything got worked out, finally.
Happy Wednesday from the little library!

The Fourth went well. There weren't many fireworks near my place. The first POP, Gracie looked to me, saw I ignored it, and went promptly to sleep.

As far as the move, I have no idea. My sister suddenly has issues with my dog. She didn't agree to a big dog. Gracie must be fully trained before we move there. I haven't mentioned that her little dog needs training as well. We'll see. I am now looking at jobs here too.

This evening, I begin an 11 day dog sitting gig. They are great dogs and I don't have to be there all the time.

I've got to get my eyes checked, hopefully next week. They need it.

Have a gorgeous day y'all!

*Hug1**Smile**Hug2* from me and Gracie! *Paw*
  •   1 comment
Well ... let the training begin! Now all y'all need is a kitten to train all 4 of you. *Laugh*
Happy Wednesday from the little library!

I survived yesterday. We had 140 people show up for the Creature Teacher event. It was loud!, quite chaotic at times but we (I) made it.

On to a new day! I have a 5 day weekend after today. This evening I pet sit for a few hours then I finally get to spend time with Gracie! The only places I have to go are grocery shopping and do laundry. I plan to do that in the morning. I promised Gracie that we'd go on a few rides this weekend. *Smile* She loves to ride!

I did get invited to have the 4th at a friend's house. They are a young couple with two little girls, 5 years and 7 months.
I plan to spend it with Gracie. It will be her first 4th and I want to make sure she will be okay with the noise. We are just outside of the city limits so it's legal to shoot off fireworks here not to mention that there is a firework stand across the highway. I believe she'll be fine. She looks to me for my reaction and goes from there.

For those who celebrate Independence Day, enjoy and be safe! For everyone else, be safe too!

Have a fantastic day and weekend y'all!

*Hug1**Smile**Hug2* from me and Gracie! *Paw*
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I'm going to be home because Dottie doesn't like the fireworks because it really scares her. So, I will be doing my writing and get it finished.
It's Tuesday in the little library.


It was Creature Teacher today. Nearly 150 people. One board member "helping" me. She mostly wanted to question everything I did and override decisions that were already made. *RollEyes* Too many people and too many questions! But now, deep breath.

I pet sat over the weekend. I may sit on the 3rd for a few hours. Tomorrow is my last day this week. We're closed for the holiday. I have another gig from the 10-21.

My eyes are giving me fits so I'll get them checked. I plan to order from Pair Eyewear, Anyone have experience with them?

Have a gorgeous day y'all!

*Hug1**Smile**Hug2* from me and Gracie! *Paw*
It's Tuesday at the little library! We had EMTs this morning (the ambulance folks). Not many showed but the weather is downright disrespectful outside!

Not much happening. I pet sit from Wednesday evening until Monday. This is good. I can order my bedframe and mattress to have delivered to my sister's so I won't have to move it. I'll move some of my books and a little table today I found today at the front of park.

It's a bit busy so I'm going for now.

Have a gorgeous day y'all!

*Hug1**Smile**Hug2* from me and Gracie! *Paw*
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