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I am a retired Senior Imagery Analyst who worked for CIA and DIA at the National Level. I was involved in the exploitation of Satellite Imagery from the start of the program.

At the start of my career in the mid 1950s, I was a member of an organization that developed Photo Interpretation Keys (Training Manuals). I worked on portions of over 20 manuals which covered Geographic areas of the world, and Military Equipment.

I was the leading Analyst in the recognition of Insurgency in a jungle environment. I worked with the governments of Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand in-country identifying Insurgent activity and producing Photographic Interpretation Keys in English, Vietnamese, and Thai. The Key on Thailand involved a seven-week research collection trip in Thailand and a collection of 84 rolls of 36 exposure 35 mm film. Our field collection team had full support of the Thai Government. The General that was our Thai contact, later became Prime Minister.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/npic007