Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/oldsoldier
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Just ever so quietly trying to sneak this closet door open. Yeah that closet would be the "putting yourself out there closet". What the hell do i say if someone yanks this damn door wide open and i fall in!! I think I'm prepared, well sort of I guess?
I do hail from the real Middle earth, surly that in itself would be enough to make me interesting? Yeah your smiling, I bet you are thinking; "that reads like a would be Gollum trying to peek in here. eewww!
Perhaps and I've been called worse for sure, but what the hell am I going to write about?
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Elle  Author Icon
Hey, I just saw your bio that said you were from NZ. Me too! You should come and meet some of the other Kiwis on this site - "Kiwis on WDC!Open in new Window.. *Smile*
Had a crack at my first piece of work. Got my first review and it feels good. I'm glad as the comments were spot on with my own after thoughts. Taken a moment to re assess and try to inject more of the "me" into it and not for the sake of what I think the reader would want. Hey its damn hard and I'm enjoying it. Feel free to comment, good or bad, it all helps.
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You're doing great if you can recognize what others have to say and apply it to your work. We're all works in progress...write on!
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/oldsoldier