Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/olivia44
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Hi, peeps! Hope you had a great start into the weekend.*BigSmile*

Here a few last whipped up "32. Lemony Carbs! (Scones + "spiced" Cookies) before I continue to some other, more challenging Yums soon!

Have a great weekend, everybody.*Heart**Sun*

Sadly, this day was always inspiring for me.*FacePalm*

9/11  (13+)
How I experienced 9/11/01
#1952301 by Olivia's writing adult stuff

was how I experienced the day.

Watching a 4-hr documentary on German TV on the 10th Anniversary in 2011 with footage and statements of cops, firefighters, survivors, etc. sparked what has – after the visit of the 9/11-museum last year – evolved to:

102 Minutes  (GC)
A police officer's shift on a fateful day. QUILL WINNER 2022!
#2279043 by Olivia's writing adult stuff

and a novel series of now 3 parts (and a ton of stories featuring these characters)*Shock2*

Last year followed, probably inspired by my soon departure to NYC:

Redeemed  (18+)
Vince finally tells Sylvia what happened to her perished daughter. Quill Finalist
#2302989 by Olivia's writing adult stuff

from the POV of Vince's Mother-in Law, a piece of reconciliation & redemption.

And this birthday week followed a piece that's set today, 2013, weighing the harrowing up with something positive, and again redemptive:

30   (GC)
Laura never guessed she'd celebrate her 30. birthday... ever, and even less like this!
#2326320 by Olivia's writing adult stuff

Am I the only one?
Hi, peeps!

Hope you're have a good day despite the day.*Hug1**Smile**Hug2*

Just "swept up" my culinary stocks encore, and out came: "31. Muffins "Spazzare" (hi-everything)

Be well, guys!*Heart*
I know today is a sensitive day especially for the US. *Hug1**Cry**Hug2*

Nevertheless, here's a story set on that same day which in the end will contain something positive for the narrating FMC: it's her birthday, and she's got the most precious gift by her beloved... and vice versa. *HeartBroken* *Heart*

I was inspired by Dawn Embers 's Weekly Quickie prompt which stated that a birthday party shall be involved, romance / erotica and the number 24 but not in relation to anything remotely birthday.

Also I just rated it GC for safety as I know by now that the US is not Germany *Wink* and you're more sensitive towards certain contents over there. But be assured there's just a little each of sexy and language involved.*Angelic*

Also it's a bit rough around the edges as I banged it out literally in a day and a night during WDC Birthday craze, between hosting "Olivia's Birthday Bash and reviewing+ for certain activities during last week. *Shock2*

Anyway, here I'm babbling and babbling*Shock2*, so here is:

30   (GC)
Laura never guessed she'd celebrate her 30. birthday... ever, and even less like this!
#2326320 by Olivia's writing adult stuff
Almost 3 AM, can't sleep... will watch the Philly Duel of Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. That's gonna be interesting, for sure. Go... Ma'am! (Sorry, dudes, just am one myself*Angelic*)
Olivia's writing adult stuff - Hey, you are only one year my senior and I still watch Disney like I am some little girl.
Elycia Lee ☮ - Germans and Malaysians... different worlds, Ms. Ely.*Heart*
Hallo, dear WDC peeps.*Heart*

Updated "STILL NEW YORK-HUNGRY today with a fally Yum: "30. Fally Cinnamon Rolls (quietscheyellow carbs).*StarStruck* *Hungry*

Guten Hunger, and have a great day, everybody. *Sun*
Allan Charles - Spelt flour is wholesomer than normal flour, especially when you get it in organic quality. Careful, American white flour is quite polluted with pesticides. Gluten is your lessest problem over there, flour-wise.*Yawn*
Olivia's writing adult stuff - Omg, when I read that in the recipe I was also confused. I thought you were saying, “flour, which is spelled as flour” *Facepalm* I think I need a nap
Allan Charles - Oh dear, sorry.*Blush* Guess I outed myself as a "öko" here*Blush*, but I stomach spelt (= Dinkel) flour better than white flour because many of the plant's healthy ingredients like vitamins and fibers are still in it.*Idea*
Happy birthday 🎉🎂🎉🎂🎉🎂

*HeartP* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatR* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *CupcakeV* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatG* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *HeartP*
*Heart* *BalloonB* *Quill* *Music1* Happy Birthday, Ms. Olivia! *Music2* *Quill* *BalloonB* *Heart*
*HeartG* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatB* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *CupcakeB* *ConfettiB* *Bigsmile* *ConfettiO* *PartyhatP* *ConfettiP* *HeartY* *ConfettiB* *HeartG*
  •   1 comment
Oh, 🌸 pwheeler love, joy, peace , all these emoticons... it musta taken a week to write this entry.*Shock* Thank you so much!*Hug1**Smile**Hug2*
Happy Birthday Image
May the dreams you hold dearest,
be those which come true,
and the kindness you spread,
keep returning to you!

Kindest Regards, Lilli
*Giftb* *Balloonp* *Giftb* *Balloonp**Giftb*
  •   1 comment
Thank you so much, Ms. Lilli 🧿 ☕ !*Hug1**Smile**Hug2* And also for the MB earlier in the week, as I suspect I forgot in all that craze online and off to say it.*Heart*
Happy Birthday! *Smile*
  •   1 comment
Thank you.*Heart*
Holy moly, Peeps!*Shock*

Just cracked the 600k "sound barrier" in "Olivia's Birthday Bash!*Shock2*

Thank you so much for your generosity!*Hug1**Smile**Hug2*

Wanna support these great do-gooders around the site some more?

– "RAOK Upgrade Brigade Group
– "Habit Heroes
– "Lilli's Coffee Funds
– "Rach's Reading Club
– "October Novel Prep Challenge

Then maybe stop by.*Wink*

There are still TONS of virtual accolades (MBs, awards, and other surprises) to grab, and one lucky person gets 25% of the pot all for themselves!*Shock2*

Now that's something, eh?*Wink*

Hope you're all having a great day*BigSmile*, and a wonderful start into the PARTY weekend.*Party*
Hola, amigos!

Hope you had a great start into the new day.*BigSmile*

Wanna support some great do-gooders around the site?

– "RAOK Upgrade Brigade Group
– "Habit Heroes
– "Lilli's Coffee Funds
– "Rach's Reading Club
– "October Novel Prep Challenge

Then maybe stop by "Olivia's Birthday Bash.

There are TONS of virtual accolades (MBs, awards, maybe more!) to grab, and one lucky person gets 25% of the pot all for themselves!*Shock2*

Now that's something to consider, eh?*Wink*

Have a great day, everybody, and enjoy Birthday Week!*Heart**Party*
Elycia Lee ☮ - You'd fit perfectly with Americans, geography-wise.*Rolling* And no, this was a statement, not an insult.*Angelic*}
Olivia's writing adult stuff - Truer words were never typed. I once watched a bunch of high school kids struggle to ID the US state capitals on a map. Anyplace east of Colorado was pretty hopeless, and big-city names that were always in the news were normally the first guesses for anything out west. They were pretty surprised when I told them neither Dallas, Houston nor San Antonio was the capital of Texas, and they had never even heard of Austin. *FacePalm*
Writer_Mike - I heard of Austin because of *cough* *cough* 911 Lone Star. I just found out about Austin last week on fact...
Hello, guys!

Hope you're all having a great day!*ThumbsUpGreen*

Guess what?

"Olivia's Birthday Bash will remain open until September 8 at about 1 PM as I'll celebrate my 41st on the 7th, and it's gonna get late, dudes.*Shock*

So if you wanna support some great do-gooders around the site, like

– "RAOK Upgrade Brigade Group
– "Habit Heroes
– "Lilli's Coffee Funds
– "Rach's Reading Club
– "October Novel Prep Challenge

then you have more time to stop by now.*Angelic*

There are still TONS of virtual accolades (MBs, awards, whatever I can think of else!) to grab, and one lucky person gets 25% of the pot all for themselves!*Shock2*

Now that's something to consider, eh?*Wink*

Have a nice evening, everybody, and enjoy Birthday Week!*Heart**Party*
  •   1 comment
You are just one year my senior, big sista!
Hola, amigos! Hope you're all having a great day!*BigSmile*

You WDC peeps have been the most generous bunch EVER at "Olivia's Birthday Bash, and for that a BIG hug!*Hug1**Smile**Hug2*

Wanna support some great do-gooders around the site a bit more? Like:

– "RAOK Upgrade Brigade Group
– "Habit Heroes
– "Lilli's Coffee Funds
– "Rach's Reading Club
– "October Novel Prep Challenge

Then you know where to go.*Idea*

I doled out quite some already*ThumbsUpGreen*, and there are TONS of more virtual accolades (MBs, awards, maybe more!) to grab, and one lucky person even gets 25% of the pot all for themselves!*Shock2*

Now that's something to consider, eh?*Wink*

Have a great day, everybody, and enjoy Birthday Week!*Heart**Party*
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/olivia44