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This quote, "Blind obedience to authority is the greatest enemy of truth," is attributed to Albert Einstein, highlighting the idea that unquestioningly following authority figures, even when presented with evidence to the contrary, hinders the pursuit of truth and critical thinking. - Google AI
The study analysed a 4.45 billion-year-old zircon grain from the famous Martian meteorite NWA7034, also known as Black Beauty, and found geochemical 'fingerprints' of water-rich fluids.

They tell you everything in these studies but the cost. It's crazy how much information you can gain from an actual grain.
When two dying stars are close enough, they can eventually collide and merge into a single star, essentially "reborn" with a new life cycle, often creating spectacular events like a supernova explosion depending on their masses and the circumstances of the collision; this process is particularly interesting when the stars are in a binary system, meaning they orbit each other close
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