Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/pokemonglurak
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hi who speack german

please write to me
please mail me all private here
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Welcome to writing.com.
Hi, Welcome to WDC.
Howdy! I see you've been here a couple of years, but you don't seem super active. I hope that changes. *Smile*

Feel free to click Newsfeed to go to your Personal Newsfeed, then click View the Community Newsfeed along the top of your Personal Newsfeed. You'll see a lot more of what's going on than on your Personal Newsfeed. Scroll, Like, comment, and start making friends! *Smile*

Also, I assume you've found the search bar in the upper left corner since you seem to have some niche interests. Be sure to click the button to search all of WdC since the default is to search your port. *Wink*
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*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/pokemonglurak