Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/ponita
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Thank you!
Happy Anniversary!!

21 years of writing. That is great.
Happy WdC Anniversary! *Party*
Image Protector
Happy WDC Account Anniversary! *Smile*

May there be many more!!!
Thank you! I take it you're a horse lover, too?
Yes. My aunt, when she was alive, managed a stud farm here in the UK. The picture on my portfolio is Cassie, my lady friends horse in Tennessee. Sadly Cassie is no longer with us. She was 31 when she passed away. I use the picture in her memory. Horses are magnificant animals, so special. I used to help my aunt chnage the studs shoes, I found it tricky to keep the horse still. lol..
*Balloonr* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Balloong*

*BalloonB* *Party* *ConfettiG* *BalloonO* *BalloonB* *ConfettiB* *BalloonP* *ConfettiO* *BalloonB* *BalloonR* *ConfettiR* *BalloonV*
  •   1 comment
Thank you! I get the impression you receive notifications when someone is celebrating an anneversary here on WDC. I can't imagine you'd be able to remember otherwise. Regardless, it's nice to be thought of and I appreciate your thoghtfulness.
write a bio, for God's sake. You have an interesting life and great personality! I expect to see a bio the next time I check your portfolio and you never know when!

  •   1 comment
How are you? I've been thinking about you lately. It's been twelve years since I heard from you!
*Balloony**Giftp**Giftr**Giftt**Balloonr**Confettip**Confettir*It is your 8th WDC Anniversary! *Confettio**Confettig**Balloongo**Giftb**Giftg**Gifto**Balloonb* And while I couldn't stop by and give you a nice WDC Anniversary Review, I couldn't let the day go by without acknowledging this important milestone. Happy WDC Anniversary! *Cakeb**Partyhatb**Cool*
Two years ago you sent me a happy anniversary note and I never even knew I had a notebook! Belated though it is, thank you very much!

Pony Tale
Thank you, whoever you are. LOL
Balloons 1

*Party* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Party*
I'll be digging my way through the snow so I can find my buried pen and pencil. You don't want to know about my computer!
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/ponita