W.hat T.he F.rench fry is this...? This better be sunglasses---> Wait... when you put the code in, it says glasses. *SIGH OF RELIEF* And now one of the characters I made up is haunting me in my dream. Hoo-fricken-ray. Anyway, (HEY, IT RHYMED!!) I now have to work on two sites at once... One is practically filled with drafts, and this one has one story. Whoopee (cushion). JEEZ... I might have to take a break from writing and just nonstop-read mangas.... Hey, that actually sounds fun... SEE YA, I'M TAKING GOOD FRIDAY OFF! |
WELL. I made one story that I didn't finish and get a billion reviews.... How this site works, I'll never know. Anyway. Yes. I understand that I need to pace the story. (Second review) YES, I UNDERSTAND THAT I NEED TO PACE THE STORY. (Third review) JEEZ, OKAY, I NEED TO PACE THE STORY, I GET IT!! Ehhh... I must need to pace the story desperately o.o Bliz |
LOL.. Take your time. It can feel overwhelming but a great piece is not done over night. Believe me! I know this. |
I just saw an ad. It said... Let's eat kids. Let's eat, kids. Use a comma. It saves lives. So fabulous. Mhm. I'm fabulous, too. Kidding. I'm not fabulous at all SO, HOW'S IT GOIN', NOT THAT ANYONE WILL READ THIS, CUZ I DIDN'T POST ANYTHING YET. WELL. SEE YA. I'M GONNA GO WRITE SOMETHING. Bliz |