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My suggestion for you is to open a journal and start writing.
First, write what you see or hear.
Then write your thoughts and questions.
Then your memories or emotions.
This is a technique I have been practicing for a while now and I hope it helps you the way it has helped me.
You can journal HERE.
With a free account, you can create up to 10 items. If you don't want to get a paid membership right now, you can use edit to add daily entries to a static item or you could do a mini-blog using an In&Out.
Here is an example of an In&Out I created to be used like that:
Goal: 100 Positive Comments in 100 Days.
#2134715 by Elycia Lee ☮ Reviewing
If you want one set up like this, I will be glad to do that for you. Let me know...