Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/randomfanatic
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Just Posted my 10th portfolio Item! it's my second day on the site and I already have to start recycling. fun. :P jk.
         Ah, fellow writers, today is another wonderfully scorching hot day in the deep south, and I couldn't be happier to have air conditioning.
         As that is I am staying inside and writing canoodles of poems and even started on a super secret story which I will post (maybe) sometime soon. Of course I've only finished the first chapter, and I already encountered the problem of storage space on my portfolio.
         I've always been very frugal (and broke) and so I never considered getting a membership for anything online. Therefore I only have ten spaces total for my portfolio.
         I'm glad that I posted my poems in sets, however I might need to start recycling my portfolio regularly and replacing the old with the new. I suppose I could add something new at least one a week if not once a day, but everytime I add something I'll get rid of something else.
         So sorry to all my (non existent) fans out there but I will be doing that from now on. *Yinyang* Keeping it balanced.
*BigSmile* Bye!
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/randomfanatic