Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/rissryker518
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I haven't been on lately as I am going through a financial hardship. Therefore, I've had to go to other, paying sites in order to try and make a few dollars here and there. I have no time for pleasure writing, unfortunately, until my finances can be stable again. Just thought I'd let people know why I haven't been here in a while...
I've added a new item to my portfolio:
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I have Zombies on the brain. There's a Zombie story in me that's just aching to come out...
It's one of those days when my mind is like a sieve and the words elude me....
Sometimes I wish I had no other responsibilities in my life except to just sit here and write and write. Wouldn't that be heaven?
This is my daily dream lol
Elle  Author Icon
Amen. *Delight*
Happy New Year! I am a absolutely LOVING the Walking Dead Marathon!
I wish I had a QUIET place to write. It's no wonder I stay up all night writing! It's the only quiet time!
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With 3 kids I can completely relate. I usually stay up most of the night writing but have been passing out after putting the kids to bed lately, blah!
Well, talk about live and learn. My dream of finishing the NaNoWriMo has come to a crashing tonight when I found that the word count tool I was using was inacurate. Not only did it put me at 52,360 words, but when I tried the next word counting tool, that put me at 54,000! Here's the links to the word tools that I used so that no one else uses them.

http://www.wordcounttool.net/ and the other one is : http://www.javascriptkit.com/script/script2/countwords.shtml#.UkWUkNL4ySo

Both are inaccurate and they put me out of the race to win. In actuality, I only had 46,367 words. I was 4,000 short of crossing the finish line thanks to those word count tools.....Am I discouraged? You bet. But next year? Watch out! My love for writing far outweighs any failure. Never give up!!
Gaby  Author Icon
Hey! You did great no matter what the word count. It took time and energy getting this close. Don't get discouraged. You still wrote!
The NaNoWriMo has been incredibly challenging for me. I lost my work a total of 6 times either by my own carelessness by not writing in a safe mode, or by my daughter who used my laptop and x'ed out my stuff by mistake. I finally put it on Notepad and it's all good. Well, I have till midnight, and I still have about 7,300 words to go....Needless to say, I'm freaking out..
Well, the telltale signs of writing diligently and constantly are starting to take it's toll. My wrists ache. I have arthritus, so my finger joints ache like the devil. Sooo, time to take some Advil, get comfortable, and suck it up. I have a novel that needs to written! LOL!!!
Well, I'm up to 10,000 words in the Nano writer contest. It that good or do you think I'm behind the 8 ball? This is so much tougher then I thought it would be!
Well, isn't it supposed to be 50,000 words for the month of November? Which means 1,666.66 words per day which comes to 8,333.33 words by today November 5th. I'd say you are ahead of the count from the looks of it. Good job!
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
The Fairy Kiss Open in new Window. (E)
The fairy child, Athelwine, has lost her power of flight, and the Goblin boy knows why.
Thank you GhostRanch for pointing out my errors, and suggesting some changes. Much appreciated!
I wish I knew if my writing ability was good enough to put forth a novel. I hate having that doubt that I'm just not good enough.
Don't be riduculous, your writing is good enough to make several novels. Don't doubt yourself, the only person who can stop you is yourself. Take your own fate in your hands, and don't let it go until you reach your dream.

I wrote an article and it was featured on Jawface.com. I did my first real interview and it was so cool... http://jawface.com/page/homosexuality-a-subjective-view#.UmrdE_nE9QA
I wish more then anything that these contests would raise the word count by at least 500. I had such a an awesome story for a contest, but the word count is ridiculously low and my stories keep getting cut in half. I'm not saying that I CAN'T get my story out in so few words, I don't want to. I just feel as if a story could be so much better with more words. Is this just me or do others writers feel the same?
Gaby  Author Icon
You're right. I think the contests have a shorter word count because of the number of entries and keeping up with it all. I tend to use the contest prompts for inspiration only most of the time. If I do enter, I save both versions and change it after the contest to what I originally had.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/rissryker518