He is more myself Than I am. I can see myself in his eyes and in his behaviour I can feel him. He is in my soul in my heart When I see in mirror I feel him. We lived life fully whenever we are together We don't want anything else He lost everything for me And I lost myself in him. He is more myself Then I am... |
If you feel like not many people see your posts that's because you only have 1 Fan. Fans and Favorites are set when people press your Plus button next to your name. If it's pressed once, they will see a finger with a string on it, but you won't know. They have set you as a Favorite. If it's pressed twice (the preference for most folks who are getting their button pressed), the person has fanned you. The person is now notified and you appear on their list of Fans and they appear on the list of people you have fanned. As you guessed, this is not private, though most folks don't go looking at the list.
Anyway, when you post in your Notebook, it appears on the Newsfeed. There are sort of 2 Newsfeeds--Personal and Community. Really, your Personal Newsfeed (the default when you click Newsfeed) is just the Community Newsfeed with everything filtered out. You only see what you post and the posts from people whose Plus button you have pressed at least once. If no one has pressed your Plus button to set you as a Favorite (1 click) or Fan (2 clicks and usually the preference--they see the megaphone), then almost no one is seeing your posts unless they go to the Community Newsfeed, which very few people do...even though I'm always harping on folks to do it. lol
To get to the Community Newsfeed, go to your Personal Newsfeed by just clicking Newsfeed. Then along the top you will see View the Community Newsfeed (on the computer, anyways). Click that and you will see what EVERYONE is posting.
Good luck!