Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/shalinisingh15
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**Untold love**
I remember the day
when you just abandoned me.
Held my hand with no memories
Just looked at me,said-"Take care"
Was just that much you shared?
A ray of hope,a curve of smile
all faded away
and you closed our lovely file.
The very next day,you questioned-
"Is everything okay?"
I never answered you
and went far away.
After that,we never met
Looked like life was all set.
Hovering in the sky
strolling near the seaside
I caught your voice
It was like-"Catch me,I am here!"
I took a turn and you were there...
I broke up...
You were with her
and I was left into tears!

-Thank you.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/shalinisingh15