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To do any code on WdC, you use the braces. They are above the brackets on the keyboard. You also need the item number. It's on the item below the description and if you have done something to the item recently (created it, edited it, etc.), the item number will likely pop up on its own after the colon.
{bitem:#######} will create a link like below (using my contest because it's easier since it pops up automatically for me lol).
This irregular contest will change each round. Nature poem? Horror story? Whatever.
#2232242 by Schnujo's Giving Away GPs
You can also make regular item links that are good for conversation. I'll use my challenge link as an example since it also pops up automatically and since this is basically free advertising. You should check out both activities. Hahaha!
{item:#######} = "The Contest Challenge"
I hope this helps!
I highly recommend fanning jondakota. He's definitely fabulous, as you can already see! Super helpful guy!