Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/sheataylor
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Stp  Author Icon
JESUS. That is all that comes to mind- All ranting raging running noise
Then I hear a silent verb
My friend and Savior
You are heard
In silent tones of Love
; Jesus, whispering. Angel's singing in heavenly tones
Silent sounds in images of Gods throne- sitting, The Prince of Peace- At the right hand of Our Almighty Father-
Answering in perfect silence a prayer cried out from an imperfect daughter
How Holy is Thee, Miraculous Peace, God in heaven and Christ Jesus My King
Sitting together as all of Heaven sings
Finally silence from the loudest of peace
My Father, My King and His Spirit in me.
Stp  Author Icon
Hello to everyone and anyone! New to the site so any tjos/facts/guidance/encouragement Please dont hesitate to fill me in ♡
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Hi STP, welcome to writing.com. *Santahat*

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/sheataylor