Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/shirazi
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A poem dedicated to my friends son who passed away today.

A minute spent away from you is hurtful enough
Seeing you never is unbearable
My little angel, light of my soul
Strength of my very existence
You were gone too soon

Death not merciful to me
Snatching you away from me
Without a care in the world
Breaking my heart into a million tiny pieces
Pieces that could never be put together fully
Tiny little pieces never to be found
Why did fate be so cruel to me

Little angel of my soul
A soul that would light up by your smile
A smile that made me know you always will be
Stay in heaven,
Peering at me like the angel you are
You maybe out of my sight, but you will forever stay in my heart
No matter where I go I will carry you with me
And wait for the day,
I will see your beautiful face again

ohh please let that day come....
In loving memory of baby Abdallah.
Moon in the sky be my guide
Don't let me fade in the dark of the night
Let your light be so bright
Beautiful in the sky like a diamond
A diamond so hard never to be broken
Your no different
Admirer of my heart
Plea of my soul
Holder of my body
Hold me close never let me go
Let me stay in your light so bright
Twinkle at the sight of me
Make me know that I will always be
Then a figure appeared in darkness of the night, faceless, Johnathan peered into the dark, eyes wide open he was horrified. Then suddenly.........!
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Three minions jumped on the bottom of his bed and sang happy spook day to you. *Music2**Wink*
writing about fiction is fun. You can create any character you want! View the world from a different perspective
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/shirazi