To those of you who knew I was off ... for a heck of a long time, thanks for the notes and emails, they cheered me up. I'm better and I'm back ... thanks for your support. simply |
Merit Badges! Merit Badges! Merit Badges! Come on over to:
and donate to an excellent, hardworking and devoted group: The WDC Power Reviewers! Can you win something? Of course there's a chance to win a wonderful Power Reviewers Merit Badge! So come one, come all and help out a great group. They only make WDC a better place! Thank you all! |
Come one, come all and donate to Win A Beautiful Merit Badge from WDC Power Reviewers.
It's the Group's 7th (yes 7th) Anniversary. You know all the good things they do and all the fun they promote all the time on WDC! So please come on out and support WDC Power Reviewers and donate 7,777 gps for the chance to win, A Power Merit Badge of your choice! There are 3 beautiful Badges to choose from and your 7,777 gps donation could get you one! |
I was just chatting with Ẃeβ࿚ẂỉԎḈĥ 2025 about WDC and well, death. That lead us onto the white cases we sometimes see on WDC. I just wanted to take a moment to remind us all that, that day will come. If you have friends on here, think about how you'd feel if they just disappear one day. I've updated my own will to ensure that someone will contact WDC (assuming I'm still a member)to let them know I've departed this wonderful world. Just something to consider. To those who this is a bit morbid, making my will has freed me from thoughts of what's to come. It's looked after and I don't have to think about it anymore! P.s. I will definitely try to come back and haunt the place though! |
OBTW, when I kick the bucket, make sure you delete this post where I typoed "remember." |
"assured," yup another reason to delete my post postmortem! Why isn't there an edit button, here, under options? |
Thanks, Simply, - and Web Witch - this is far from morbid but commonsense, and a kindness to people who care about us. Could I add another suggestion. This varies from place to place but in South Australia there are provisions for an Advance Directive, sometimes called a Living Will, Medical Power of Attorney etc. We do not currently have legislation permitting voluntary euthanasia, although it is an active debate. But Advance Directives are very real and permit the individual to specify the types of treatment to be provided at the end of life. This includes the withdrawal of active treatment and provision of palliative care, and medical professionals are required to obey such directives covering everything short of active termination. If you have these provisions in your legislation, do give them a thought. This also saves a lot of pain, confusion, uncertainty and conflict among loved ones at the end. |
I would just like to thank, kiyasama and all The WDC Angel Army for selecting me as one of the Authors of the Month for June 2014! I am very honoured and humbled. Thanks to them, as well for the lovely plaque and merit badge! I feel very spoiled. If you haven't already, please check out this group:
I am wearing my very cool, GoT button merit badge today! It arrived yesterday! It's terrific and I have to thank Gaby, Gaby and ~WhoMe???~ ! I can't say enough what a great experience Game of Thrones was! I'm still blown away! Thanks again to everyone! Who ran it, supported it, cheered for it and all the Houses! |
Love WDC Power Reviewers? Come and Cheer for us while we live in ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** Cheers are 1000 gps each! There are prizes of a MB from eyestar~* for the person who cheers the most from Nov 28 to 11pm WDC Time on Nov 30. I'll add a review to that person too. Check out
Thanks for all of your support! |