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Welcome to this site, itโs a great collection of multi faceted talent, feel free to ask any questions. Check out the classes offered, the contests and the thousands of offered suggestions and ideas.
This is a friendly, safe place to be.
Welcome and enjoy your experiences
Stay safe and enjoy life, itโs still a great place to hang out.
{item:2232242} = "The Whatever Contest -- Closed for Now"
{bitem:2109126} =
Join by entering a contest a month for 12 months--Win Badges! Catching up is allowed!
#2109126 by Schnujo's Giving Away GPs
If you decide to advertise your stuff on the Newsfeed, I recommend the bitem link. When you enter a contest, they usually want a bitem link as well. But the item link is great for linking to something in a conversation.
The other thing I suggest is start exploring the site by clicking the things on the left. See where they take you. When you go to the Newsfeed, the default takes you to your Personal Newsfeed. I recommend you check out the Community Newsfeed. There you will see what everyone is posting, not just those whose Plus Sign you've clicked.
To get to the Community Newsfeed, along the top of your Personal Newsfeed (which you get to by clicking Newsfeed), you will see "View the Community Newsfeed." Click that and you will see lots more notes. Scroll, Like, and comment. When you find a person you want to keep up with, click their Plus Sign, preferably twice until you see the megaphone. Either way, once or twice, you will start seeing their Newsfeed notes on your Personal Newsfeed, but if you become a fan (click twice), they get notified. Some people, like me, reward fans from time to time. Others will automatically fan you back.
To fan an item so you can keep up with it more easily, click the Plus inside the item in the upper right corner. If you click the Plus in the bitem link, you are only fanning the person, not the item.
I hope you aren't feeling to overwhelmed now. lol Welcome and good luck!