Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/stephen.ret
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Happy anniversary 🍰🎉🍰🎉🍰
Happy birthday
I got two more Military Badges to give away for

Military History of the 1980s  (ASR)
A short quiz about wars and rumors of wars in the 1980s
#2308048 by Sung'manitu

To get one of the two MBs, take the quiz, get at least a 70%, give a honest and constructive review, then let me know that you've done all this. If I've given you an MB in the last two weeks, you're ineligible.

For everyone else, have a trinket!

Schnujo's in Alabama might find it interesting, but I guess she finally made it to the Falklands *Smile* *Heartb*
Fun and interesting quiz and thank you for the trinket!
Some of the answers to some of the questions and a few I guessed at, but did pretty good I think.
Anarchist Angel 🏴, thanks! I did the quiz without looking anything up and failed miserably. *Laugh* Well, history was never my thing until I got old enough things I remembered became known as "history." *Rolling*
In celebration of my first quiz

Military History of the 1980s  (ASR)
A short quiz about wars and rumors of wars in the 1980s
#2308048 by Sung'manitu

I created my first trinket

Thank you!
Thank you! *Smile*
Very cool. Thanks!
For my brothers and sisters in arms, give me a shout out

Thanks *Ghost*
Thank you for trinket! I have number 18.
Thank you for the trinket.
Five MB giveaway

In honor of today being the USMC birthday, and tomorrow being Veterans Day in the US, I'm going to give away five Military Merit Badges. To earn one, be one of the first five people to do the following:

1) Visit
Military History of the 1980s  (ASR)
A short quiz about wars and rumors of wars in the 1980s
#2308048 by Sung'manitu

2) Take the quiz. Score at least a 70%
3) Write an honest, helpful review.
4) Post "Done" Below

If I've given you a merit bade in the last fortnight you are ineligible for this giveaway
Done... I hope it counts to do the research on each question before answering *BigSmile*
HOLY CRAP! *Blush* I only got 1 right! *Scared* *FacePalm*

Well, if it makes you feel any better, I don't know much more about regular history, either. *Laugh*

You should work on getting more fans. If you don't have fans, you don't get seen by hardly anyone except those few of us who troll the Community Newsfeed. Go to your Newsfeed, then click "View the Community Newsfeed" at the top. Your Personal Newsfeed is likely very boring since you're only a fan of 1 person. When you get on the Community Newsfeed, you'll see so much more going on...unless you've secretly favorited a bunch of folks. *Wink* Favorites are secrets, not even the person you favorited knows you did it. You see the finger with the string by their name. If you see the megaphone, that means you fanned them and they are notified. That's better because some people, like me, reward their fans. Others will automatically fan you back. You're missing out. *Bigsmile*

Anyway, on the Community Newsfeed, you can see how many people you're aren't seeing. By the same token, you can see how many people aren't seeing you if they haven't clicked your plus sign at least once (to set as a favorite--but preferably twice to become a fan). Hop on the Community Newsfeed and start scrolling. Comment, Like, and start making friends. Eventually, as people get to know you, they'll start clicking your plus and seeing what you post on your Personal Newsfeed since, as I mentioned, very few folks to go the Community Newsfeed. *Pthb*

Also, in case you aren't sure how to create a link to one of your items, let me show you that as well. *Bigsmile* You need the curly braces, located above the square brackets on your keyboard. You also need the 7-digit item number located between the item title and description. It's also in the web address, though it's harder to copy just the item number from there. *Wink*

There are 2 main ways to post a link--item and bitem (big item) links. I'll demonstrate both.

{item:2308048} = "Military History of the 1980s

{bitem:2308048} *Down*

Military History of the 1980s  (ASR)
A short quiz about wars and rumors of wars in the 1980s
#2308048 by Sung'manitu

Anyway, thanks for posting this! I obviously need to brush up on my military (and regular) history. *Laugh*
Done *Delight*
Still have three more Military Merit Badges to give away for:

Military History of the 1980s  (ASR)
A short quiz about wars and rumors of wars in the 1980s
#2308048 by Sung'manitu

All you have to do is take the quiz, get at least a 70%, give an honest and helpful review, and let me know that you've done all that. If I've given you an MB in the last couple of weeks, I'm afraid you're not eligible,

So I'm up to Nebraska now in my WDC Highpoint project. And I have another Merit Badge giveaway question. First correct response below I will either give the GUIDE or the NATURE MB. Your choice. Also, if I've given you a MB in the last fortnight, you're ineligible.

So here's the question:

According to the US National Park Service, what is the tallest waterfall between the Rockies and the Appalachians?

From personal experience, I can tell you that you want to see it after a good rain, and it's easier to float in to see it than to hike in and see it.
I've been in the northeastern part of Arkansas a few times in the past four months–guess I'll have to wait until next summer to seek out this amazing place! Thanks for the tip! *Bigsmile*
Congrats Nobody’s Home . So guide or nature MB? And if you go in summer, make it early summer, before it gets dry!
Guide, please. I think I have nature already *Smile* Thank you! *Heartb*
Quizzes, ramblings and a merit badge giveaway:

At present, i am just a few short of reaching the highpoint of every state in the United States. Of course, one of those few is Denali, but it is on my Dream Big List.

The challenges each highpoint presented varied. One required crossing a glacier. Another required ignoring a rent-a-car's GPS directions. But all in all, I enjoyed each summit.

So I decided to create a quiz on US highpoints.

I'm still in the process of creating the quiz because I am having to do a lot of research. Part of its because some of the highpoints were, I'm embarrassed to say, were strictly crossing of the list. I didn't bother learning their history. Some research was because some facts, such as ownership, have changed since i "summitted" some highpoints. And some research was necessary because I've slept since I've been to some places.

Anyway, enough rambling. The first person to summit the highpoint in every state was Arthur H Marshall in 1936. Alaska and Hawaii weren't states yet, so Marshall didn't have to deal with Denali. Arizona was the last state to be admitted into the Union at the time.

So here's the Merit Badge question. On what holiday was Arizona admitted as a state into the US? Give your response below. The first TWO correct answer will get an appropriate Seasons MB. One caveat: if I've given you an MB in the last fortnight, you're not eligible for this MB
Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day.
I have the desire to give someone the History MB. So the first person to correctly answer my question in a response below will get a History MB from me. If I've given you a MB in the last fortnight, I'm willing to wait before giving the MB.

So here's the question: Who was the last US President to use U.S. Car. No. 1, a Pullman Company private car adapted for Presidential use?

Again, the History MB goes to the first correct response below!
Ronald Reagan?
Grave Defilin' is our winner!
Woo-hoo! *Party*

Not bad for a Brit! *Bigsmile*
Happy anniversary
*Balloonr* Happy Writing.Com account anniversary. *Balloong*

*BalloonB* *Party* *ConfettiG* *BalloonO* *BalloonB* *ConfettiB* *BalloonP* *ConfettiO* *BalloonB* *BalloonR* *ConfettiR* *BalloonV*
Happy birthday
A slow-but-sure "Welcome back!" to you! I spent a "fun-packed" 8 weeks in the Ozarks at Ft. Leonard Wood in Jan. - Feb. '74, and my dad's folks used to have a little farm outside of Cassville, so I've a decent mental picture of your neck of the woods.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/stephen.ret